18,777,386 Ads Shown for Steem in 2017!

Steem Ads Review 2017.png

On Facebook, 17,272,396 ads for Steem reached 4,612,137 people while 1,504,990 ads featuring Steem displayed on Google and YouTube in 2017! Review the campaigns at https://airtable.com/shrXuoYTnODWA0QG1 and see more data from inside my Facebook ads and Google AdWords account in this witness update!

Would you help increase the budget for the ads by voting for me as a witness at https://steemit.com/~witnesses because all of the earnings I receive as a witness fund ads that promote Steem?

Below is a summary of the results from all the ads so far along with my plans for future campaigns! An upcoming video will show deeper statistics!

Facebook Ads Campaign Summaries

facebook ads results for steem nov 17 2017.png

Google AdWords Campaign Summaries

steem total google nov 17 2017.png

steem google ads campaign details nov 17 2017.png

steem google ads campaign details 2 nov 17 2017.png

Note that the total from all campaigns in the second and third pictures are for my entire AdWords account while the filtered campaigns are specifically for Steem.

Time for New Ads!

Today all except the ads for utopian.io as seen at https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@jerrybanfield/ads-for-steem-s-utopian-io-targeted-to-github-developers are paused because Steemit updated the branding with a new logo and new user experience on the website.

Here are a few of my ideas for new ads! Anyone is welcome to make these as a post on Steem by tagging steemads and jerrybanfield to help me to see it. Posts I use as ads will receive a Steem power delegation as well as an addition to my @steemvoter!

  1. Smart media tokens case study. When one SMT successfully launches, having a case study showing how that happened will help a lot with bringing in more users hoping to launch a smart media token. While I realize this is an idea for 2018, it is one I am most excited about and that I hope a few of us prepare for in advance to have ready immediately after smart media tokens are live!
  2. Blogging on Steem vs Others. We want as many bloggers here as possible because Steem is a 10x better deal for new bloggers and a great opportunity for most every other blogger without a huge established community. Those with an established following then have a big opportunity to launch a SMT.
  3. Indirect promotion via live streaming. I am planning to have a 24/7 live music stream on my YouTube, Twitch, and Mixer channels along with several streams daily on Facebook featuring my music before the end of 2017. This live stream will consistently promote my blog on Steem and I believe will soon have thousands of people watching all day every day. Promoting the live stream directly will give me the best chance to convert the most new users to Steem at the lowest price because it is cheap for me to get new users on the live stream where I can then promote to them indefinitely often for free! For example, when I get a Facebook page like for $0.01, every live stream on Facebook has the chance to reach that user as long as they like the page. This means for $0.01 I could potentially reach a user hundreds of times over the next year for free including many times with posts from Steem in the newsfeed. Combining this indirect approach with the direct ads will be incredibly powerful because of the positive reinforcement loop of the live stream audience building itself larger and bringing in new users for free which all will then learn about Steem indirectly.
  4. Reasons for a higher Steem price. Compared to most other cryptocurrencies, the value of Steem is way under what the true value is. Within the next few months we are likely to see a correction probably to being over valued for a time. My 10 reasons for $10 Steem in 10 months as seen at https://steemit.com/steemit/@jerrybanfield/10-reasons-for-usd10-steem-price-in-10-months was the most successful ad I ran in terms of converting new investors to Steem according to the direct feedback I have received in comments over the last 6 months. I would like to advertise many more posts like this to help traders see the opportunity to earn big in Steem.
  5. Paths to profit on Steem showing all of the ways to maximize the return available by holding Steem power from upvoting posts and earning curation rewards to earning rewards as an author, leasing Steem power, building a voting bot, etc. We want more people to buy in out of self interest because Steem offers a higher return versus holding other currencies purely for speculation. Many that buy in initially to profit will then undergo the transformation from self interest to service in seeing that what is good for all of us is also best for individual investments.
  6. Steem user case studies. This is where I could use the most help because I would love to see some ads written featuring the journey individual users have taken on Steem. For example, the infographic combined with the text at https://steemit.com/steemit/@amazingstats/discover-the-secrets-jerry-banfield-used-to-make-usd32-616-66-on-steemit-in-just-78-days-and-use-them-to-produce-hundreds-more might make an amazing ad! I would love to see posts like this done for other users especially with variety in terms of the focus. For example, some might focus on money while others might focus on building a following, launching projects, etc. Some might talk about witnesses while others would focus on investors, authors, etc.

Accepting Your Posts for Ads!

Do you have an idea that is much better than any I have suggested? Will you please share it by writing up an amazing post and then tagging it with both steemads and jerrybanfield because this will help me see your post? When I find a post with those tags that I think would make an awesome ad, I will begin advertising it in Google along with adding the author to my autovoter and giving the author a delegation of Steem power to help empower that author to upvote those joining after reading the post!


Our ads are funded out of the witness rewards I receive. How much funding we get is determined by my ranking on the witness list at https://steemit.com/~witnesses. When @jerrybanfield is in the top 20, we get about 260 Steem power a day to fund the ads. Outside of the top 20, the rewards are about 50 Steem power a day.

Every single witness vote helps to build the rewards as seen in the witness tab at https://steemworld.org/@jerrybanfield.

I use the data from steemworld to add to the budget spreadsheet at https://airtable.com/shrXuoYTnODWA0QG1 with 50% for Google and Facebook ad budgets with the other 50% for delegations and contests. When I pay server hosting costs and for help with managing my servers, I also subtract these before calculating the earnings. Today's addition from two and a half weeks of witness rewards resulted in $694.53 added to the advertising budget and 790 Steem power added to the delegation/contest pool. I have effectively bought this by having already spent the money and delegated the Steem without powering down to fund it.

Thank you to the 1900+ accounts voting for me as a witness today which continues to provide funding for these ads! If you have not voted yet, would you please visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and click the upvote button next to jerrybanfield to make a vote for me because your vote will help indefinitely increase the ad budget we can rely on to keep promoting Steem?

Many users have said a vote for me as a witness was completed but when I checked, no vote was actually placed! How do you know if your vote was successful? If the button remains green after a page refresh, the vote has been placed. If the button is not green next to jerrybanfield or any other witness we are voting for, then the vote did not register! If you think you voted for me, would you double check at https://steemit.com/~witnesses because then you will know for sure you did?

If you would prefer never to think about witness voting again, would you visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and set jerrybanfield as a proxy as hundreds of users have done because I will then make all the votes for you?

More Witness Updates

  1. I am working with @terrybrock and @ginacarr to get another Florida Steem meetup scheduled for December 9, 2017 from 10 am to 2 pm in Orlando, Florida.
  2. If you would like me to vote for you as a witness, will you please watch for my new post about how to help me maintain my witness votes and get me to vote for you because that will explain the new system I am using to vote for witnesses going forward? My witness votes up until this point have been a free for all and it is time to implement a new system that is transparent and fair. @glitterfart was king enough to set me as a proxy making my vote now worth close to 2 GV which is enough for a new witness with zero votes to be guaranteed a block or two a day. This motivated me to think of a way to better collaborate with you in witness votes which I will share in a new post soon.
  3. I setup text message notifications to tell me if I miss a block which I am very excited about because this removes the need for me to check manually. I currently have a primary server and backup server setup to take over automatically after 3 block misses. I am grateful for just 1 miss so far from my own error in my first several months of witnessing.
  4. Advertising and marketing Steem is my primary contribution as a witness and will be the majority of what I talk about in witness updates. I also make posts daily, recommend changes along with what to maintain, and participate in discussion about updates. We benefit greatly from having a well-rounded group of witnesses because this helps us see the bigger picture which is critical for each of us being able to enjoy participation in our community.
  5. I requested access to the Steemit Google analytics account because I can dramatically improve the results with the ads in Google by doing remarketing.

Thank You for Reading!

I appreciate you joining me for this witness update and am honored to have the chance to be of service here in our community!

Jerry Banfield

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