Introducing Witness Team Alpha! - @team.alpha

Witness Team Alpha


Greetings community, we are launching Witness Team Alpha! The idea of Witness Teams is described here and Witness Team Alpha is the first implementation. We are creating an organization funded by witness pay that consists of a combination of experienced witness node operators, software developers, marketers to support and grow the Steem ecosystem. There has already been a trend of using witness pay to fund Steem community and software development projects, but this Witness Team is more formalized than previous approaches. It would be great to see many more Witness Teams in the future!

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  • Maintain reliable witness node block validation & price feeds
  • Evaluate & maintain witness parameter settings and approve new blockchain features
  • Grow the number of Steem users with marketing initiatives
  • Increase engagement of existing users with a variety of Steem projects


99.99% reliability in block production & price feeds

Acquire 10,000 new Steem users in 6 months


Team Alpha is composed of Steemit community members who have significant experience running witness nodes and include blockchain, software development and digital marketing entrepreneurs.

Witness Operations

@lafona has extensive experience running witness nodes on the Bitshares, Muse, and Steem blockchains. He will share maintenance & emergency duties with @picokernel who is a long-time witness operator for Steem and @xeroc who is a Steem and graphene blockchain expert.

[Note: @lafona currently runs a witness node ranked #28, @picokernel runs a witness node ranked #41 and @xeroc runs a node ranked #16]

Growth Marketing & Software Development

@sirwinchester is a multi-talented Entrepreneur, Investor, Programmer, Specialist in Social Media Marketing, Writer and Dancer/Artist. He’s travelled around the world and has over 50,000 Instagram followers. He is a co-founder of WeCare4U, a digital marketing agency focused on brand strategy and design.

@mrs.steemit is Co-founder and COO of WeCare4U and is an Instagram Brand Builder/Ambassador and Social Media Marketing Consultant

@allasyummyfood - Youtuber and chef has independently grown her social media following for her cooking channel to nearly 200,000 facebook and over 60,000 Youtube followers. She also does all her own photography, filming, editing, and marketing.

@roelandp - organizer of Steemfest, fullstack developer has created the following projects: Radio Steem, Steemtools, Steem-o-Graph, Steemfighter, SteemyOrNot, SteeMVP, Steemstream, Steemstory

@picokernel - fullstack developer and created the following projects: Squeek, Peep

@steemrollin - founder of Peerhub & Bitcash


@xeroc is a blockchain and Steem expert and founder/CEO of Chainsquad GmbH, a blockchain development company. He is also the creator of Piston, python tool and library for Steem and Streemian, a curation, blogger syndication, and notification tool.

@faddat is a blockchain & devops specialist and Co-founder/CTO of the Dawn multichain blockchain project.

@modprobe is a blockchain engineer and one of the architects of the Graphene Blockchain Framework, the foundation upon which Steem and Bitshares are based.

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