Witness Category #1. The "SteemGigs Witness" Aims At World Adjustment. There Is Nothing Like "Developing Nations".

Today, I will talk about my witness. I hardly do! But perhaps, I so should now. It is called:


I hardly promote my witness actively, apart from underneath my posts. Normally, i believe in the harder more organic route. I feel it is more testimonial. I believe very much in love too. I need lorry-loads of it, thus, i do want steemians who support my witness to have come to truly love me and the legacies i represent.

I believe in each one too, thus, for witness-votes, i wouldn't seek a whale's witness-vote more than i would, a minnow's witness-vote because each one is whale to me. 

I am grateful to more than a thousand steemians who have support the "steemgigs witness".

Overall, I rarely ask help. Not that i don't need help but in my making, i prefer to push things on my own first and most times organically. 

When it is time to ask help though, i may try to but in most cases, if i get to ask help, i mostly only would, when i already have "something to offer". 

Even as a minnow, I hardly felt, my "making" should become the responsibility of others. Thus, i didn't really see it as my indisputable right to ask for help. 

I did want help to be voluntarily, mostly stemming from brotherhood, love and perhaps, admiration. 

For example, if i promoted steem etc, i see this as "my role"; as "steem to the moon" is for me as well, thus, since minnow days, if i promoted "steem", i didn't feel like i was doing more than anyone else, so much so that "steemians" should have to render me help etc

At the time, i did most of promotion behind-the-scenes and would mostly only post about it, to educate. 

My "steemgigs witness" thus, had similar path. From a brother, i would heartily seek support. Otherwise, i rarely actively seek support but that's me and doesn't have to be you.

According to me, everything i do on steem/steemit was my "fun responsibility" and something i would do regardless of the state of steemit or steem price as i had established "steem" from the very onset as one of the ways forward and even as minnow, i had sheer conviction about this. 

My conviction about steemit, stood the test of time and even hassle and grew overtime, so can be said to be solid, unshaken and proven.

In truth, i prefer to create a testimonial indispensable movement; one that each one is a part of, thus, one that is truly loved. This has been my route even with the "steemgigs witness" and indeed has been very much harder but it has come with beautiful testimonies

In many cases, i don't ask help because, I do want to render help. I do like to receive help though and many steemians have actively helped me. This type of help is specialer to me because it is persistent and heartfelt.

More recently, my witness have been promoted by many. They simply have loved me, followed my dealings and shown love in return by heartily promoting my witness. It is special. 

Thus, perhaps, i should talk about my witness too. Well, it is not my witness. It is called "steemgigs". 

"My witness" would have been "@surpassinggoogle" and perhaps, it would have done better in the ranks as @surpassinggoogle is my personal account and the more popular account, but it was about "us" from the very beginning and it will keep on that way because in truth, the "steemgigs witness" is not just a steemit witness. This particular witness is headed in the route of world-adjustment. 

Steemgigs; "everyone has something to offer".

The above words aren't a joke! 

This is all, i want it to represent. Thus, i wanted the "steemgigs witness" to stand up there as a symbol, incessantly inspiring and reminding "everyone" regardless of what the world thinks, that there is a shot for everyone.

No bum, no average, no smart

Indeed, for these nations referred to by the world as "developing", many of what they need to "shine" is more related to incessant inspiration, excitement, reminders etc moreso than financial rewards.

When my mum died, the "steemgigs witness" had even more meaning. The true state of the world was on display even more, for she was half-human in her fight for her life and i was too. She so wanted to live but again, even the world has deemed some humans "developing" and who gives much hoot about "developing". Well, i so so so do!

According to me, there is nothing like "developing" because even the world renown "developed" is not developed. We are simply mere dust!

Steemit being as well my "CCTV into the true state of the world", to me, adds weight to the above quote.

Thus, while world speaks of "the developing nations" we are saying "there is nothing like that", in a world where "everyone has something to offer".

The "steemgigs witness" is up there to represent that. It is up and running to incessantly remind us these things.

Minnow or whale witness vote didn't matter; "you" mattered

So as you vote for the "steemgigs" witness whether you are whale, minnow or dolphin, please remember that the "steemgigs witness" is a curriculum aimed at "world adjustment", creating a world where "everyone as something to offer"; where "everyone" starts with "you".

"steemgigs witness" also pays for a full public RPC node on "wss://steemd.steemgigs.org"

This doesn't pay steem rewards. This has been my contribution to the steem ecosystem but represents way more than that. 

As a large server 256 GB RAM (in datacenters) etc, it creates another outlet for the steem ecosystem to balance load as developers can tap into it, while creating their steem-based apps etc. 

Underlyingly though, it exists to pull out developers hailing from these "developing nations" incessantly inspiring them with the words "everyone has something to offer".

"Developers" hailing from these nations exist on steemit and they are many but these many stay in relegation, not confident in their ability to shine in the same vain as the world and the RPC node stands up there to incessantly inspire them. 

I have stuck with them (these talented developers), even in the creation of the "steemgigs interfaces" inspite of many delays. There are consequences that i have had to deal with too and many of them but i am one to bear consequences even on behalf of others, for when there will be breakthrough, it will be testimonial.

You will recall that there is a "steemgigs interface" in the making, tied to the "steemgigs witness" and before the alpha version is fully ready and put on utopian to be completed by "everyone", i want to have stuck to these developers and say at the end, "that there is nothing like "the developing nations" as the "steemgigs interface" was created by developers hailing from these nations.

It may be essential to note that I didn't just jump into being witness. I was here on steemit already for up to a year, better or worse. It know alot of its history. I am unshaken, fully-paced, solid, full of character. 

Steemit did pass through me and me through steemit!

I know what steemit is, in ways that you may not see. This is not to brag, this is to say the truth. I know steemit in these special ways because of the existence of a large vision that i have had even more than a decade before steemit; plus, my story; "the dreams of nations" that i carry; a special understanding of life, humans and "the donkey life" and a special understanding of the "developing nations" and their understanding of life and expectations from it. 

I have invested in steem, both money, time and unshaken me. I have deep and intense love for you, each one everyone.

As a minnow, I started out "whale inside-out" and each one was whale to me. As a minnow, i already had giant responsibilities here on steemit as my vision was defined and deeply-rootedly solid, so i sat mostly in the backgrounds tending to each one and as many as i could. My simple posts didn't earn financial rewards but did well in drawing people in and gradually, i would start to read "proposal for projects" and even whitepapers as many steemians would seek my advice, suggestion, etc before starting up projects. 

I am mere dust. They simply gave me privilege.

My very first channel on steemit.chat was "steemitisbeautiful" and "steemitisbeautiful" also ensued as a loved and used tag on steemit, even though, it didn't have curation or voting power support. 

Then, my first discord server grew organically into up to a thousand members as steemians would visit this discord, after having loved the "me" in my simple-looking posts and i would hang on there and tend to as many as i could. 

I did a ton of curation too and knew the voice and state of the community, then i would go back into the backgrounds to silently fix things. I love "humans", so during my curation, i would seek out several steemians, take them to the DMs and empower them with hours of special chat. I would heartily open their eyes to their beauty and the beauty of steemit and they would go out afresh, seeing things on steemit anew, with ever-fortified conviction in the beauty of "steemit" even though steem was cents at the time.

Moreso, i would passionately speak to others about these steemians and refer them for greater things

Tending to these communities was a huge responsibility because, these types of communities do have "special needs" but i knew of these needs and i would keep on neutral and human, to where "nations are locations" and this helped matters as more people kept visiting with me.

Hardly, did anyone know my nation. Hahaha, they only guessed and kept guessing but i hardly mention it because instead i would say "nations are locations".

I know of responsibility and consequences. I don't shy away from them. I know of disappointment and sadness, I channel them aright. I know humans. I know life. I know the developing nations like crazy. I know how to deeply-rooted grow steemit in these nations and these are the tiny things i have done over the course of an entire curriculum. 

Sometimes, even till date, my role in steemit meet-ups may simply be one of "being present", to steer the communities aright or bring back togetherness and settle potential rifts. 

I know of decision-making. I have been doing this since i was boy. I was always the turn-to neutral party because nation, status, education etc meant less to me and thus, my decision-making has kept evolving. 

My every conversation since "steemit" in the DMs (since minnow days) required on-the-spot decision-making. 

In truth, most of the steemian visitors to my chats had the most technical questions. They seek especially rare knowledge and to dispense this knowledge, requires that i get to understand the elements of their hearts, establishing their substance before revealing just sufficient information etc and this takes a "an entire reel of on-the-spot decision-making.

I do treat steemit as real life, thus, i know very much of virtues like respect, self-control, dignity etc and this helps my decision-making here.

One untalented contest, a paradigm of the "steemgigs" witness, had more than 1000 full-blown post entries requiring "each enterer" to go out of their way, attempt out-of-the-boxness and shine in new ways. 

For communities hailing from these developing nations, this successful endeavor in itself is testimonial. These more than 1000 steemians, weren't promised "huge rewards" but they went out-of-their-way still.

@umais, a very young steemian, over the course of the untalented curriculum, went from his first diminished-rep account, to the renewed "@umais"; a "now developer", who is learning his fourth programming language "python" and who has already started building projects. He is also a moderator on utopian.
#steemgigs have had people offer their service even here on steemit in exchange of steem. The community comprising of more than 3000 steemians have formed home for many who have wanted to apply their expertise to testimonial use in helping "steemians" build their dreams.

In this particular post, i wanted to speak of the human behind the "steemgigs" witness. It is not one human; "it has been me and you all along!"

"steemgigs witness" has aimed to add more paradigms to steem/steemit, by mining the "human" as well. While "steem" focuses more on mining the mind and brain, with virtues like "reputation", we add more paradigms to the virtue.

This way we can promote steem also a phenomenon and revolution more profound and have people join steemit also for the sole fact that we are here and we are humans and we a celebrities and "everyone has something to offer".

Your Boy Terry


My first art of my face gifted to me with love by @morbyjohn


Please like @teardrops on Facebook and Twitter:

I do need strength

Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum

If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful. I run a full public RPC 256 GB node as well to balance the steem ecosystem on "wss://steemd.steemgigs.org"

To vote my witness, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click!

If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy. 

Let's Go!!!

Offer a service under hashtag "steemgigs". Attempt out-of-the-boxness on hashtag (untalented).

Join the Steemgigs Community on discord: https://discord.gg/CGuPyyT

"Everyone has something to offer!" Why not?

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