intelliwitness UPDATE - March 30, 2018

Please vote for @intelliwitness as a steem blockchain witness.....


What is @intelliwitness and how, and why is it important to vote?

  • An article I wrote that explains it (with screen snapshots) is at this link.

We've been getting excited to run the next release of steem, which is coming before Steemit Velocity 0.20 which is known as Steem v0.19.4

It is an upgrade of the 0.19.2 "Steem Equality" release branch. Containing more things that may not be visible to users via the UI interface. However, as a witness node, we see a definite need for these changes that are coming soon.

One of these we're happy to see go is this one:

Removed login_api

The login_api was designed as a way to map the API names to numeric ids. Because the APIs are no longer called via id, there is now no need for the login_api, and so it has been removed.

To the layman, this problem doesn't mean anything significant. However not using numeric ID's makes developers work that much easier. Requiring apps to do the work of mapping or resolving id numbers to names causes extra work for each app to do and is unnecessary. This is a very valuable change.

We also like the new logging changes in the config file:

The logging config has always been a sore spot in the config file because of the number of options available. It was so complex that it required a different parser. We have changed to using a json format

Every system administrator knows, good logging is the core to running a successful server. It's the most important tool used to find out what is going on. :)

We also think that upgrading to 0.19.4 is the way to go BEFORE 0.20 Velocity is released. It's smart to get these smaller, but very important issues out of the way.

We're excited to see release 0.19.4 and run with that in production mode very soon.

More updates to come.

This post link below, explains how you can give your "free" support to intelliwitness by voting for it with your account: click here

Each time someone uses their account to vote for witness, we get alerted. Thank you to those people who have already done it. We're very, very, appreciative of each vote we get... It doesn't matter how big or small your account is.. every bit helps.

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