Witness Update FUBAR-BDHR - Sept 2017

As usual it's been awhile since I did one of these. Most of what I do really doesn't change much. I spend almost all my time on steemit fighting abuse. I can do a witness update post or go find a few plagiarized post instead. I usually choose to do the latter.

Few things have happened since my last update. Biggest thing was HF19. I'm currently running 19.2 on both my primary and backup nodes. Finished the update from 19.1 yesterday. I've also adjusted my SBD interest rate twice. First it was up to 2.5% due to the SDB price being below $1 for awhile. Most of this was and still is due to polinex. Since other witnesses have adjusted their interest rate up I've lowered mine back down to 1% to compensate.

Biggest changes I've had have been hardware wise. Ran into a few issues. First was with my primary node having issues with the SSHD it was using. That drive has become nothing but trouble and even thought it tests perfectly good I've notice the same issue on 3 systems I've tested it on. I replaced it with the same setup I have in my backup node. 480GB SSD drive for OS and swap with a 4TB HDD for the blockchain itself. After that was replaced I started having some issues with the backup node. Had the HDH loose it's partition table twice and then the SSD did the same thing. Long story short it turned out to be bad memory. First time I've had Kingston memory go bad that didn't involve a lightning hit. In order to avoid downtime I ordered 32gig of memory for the system and then did an RMA on the existing 32gig. Now the machine has 64gig of ram and was fully reloaded with 16.04LTS this time. 17.04 worked but too many headaches. As well as the addition of the extra 32gig of memory both machines now have a spare 4TB HDD for backups. Both nodes should be good to go for a long time.

Future plans include adding a seed node as soon as I can afford to do it. Hardware keeps eating my budget for it. Unfortunately do to my internet speed I can't host my own. I've also been doing some work on a discord bot. Right now it's mainly for @steemcleaners use but will have some general features in the future. New tool set for finding abuse on steemit. Scammers beware.

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