How can we deal with the new abusive upvoting behaviours?

Have you noticed some posts are getting several hundreds of upvotes recently? Anyone has figured out what is happening? I strongly suspect that those upvotes are fake because those posting have very few reward and also no or very few comments. There must be upvoting bots connected to hundreds of dummy accounts with zero Steem Power.

Look at these examples:

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I think this movement is abusive. Bots are pouring hundreds of fake votes (of each is a separate transaction) into our blocks, that may disturb or interrupt more important transactions like transfer. Probably these bots are targeting to make a profit by being paid for increasing upvote counts, with some bigger ambition to abuse the reward pool when the account based voting is introduced.

Do you think this is just ok? What can we do for this as a witness?
I know there is nothing we can do for now, but I think it is worth to discuss.


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