The path of the fool: Whoever hates the law is without wisdom, and is tossed about like a boat in a storm. Ben Sira 33:2

The sapiential book of Ben Sira describes in a metaphorical way what the path of the wicked is like, the path of those who reject the law of Moses and practice sin: "Whoever hates the law is without wisdom, and is tossed about like a boat in a storm" Ben Sira 33:2.
Whoever lives without law and sets himself up as the norm of his own conduct, is a man who lives without science and who does not have a clear course in life, that is why the teaching of the master of wisdom Ben Sira compares this type of man as a ship in the middle of a storm; a ship in a storm can capsize at any unforeseen wave, fear, risk, and luck are factors that determine the fate of those who practice sin. Rational calculations are often insufficient to take into account all the unforeseen events and plans often fail.
Living with our backs turned to the needs of our neighbor puts us in permanent conflict over resources to live, and this brings with it wars that can be secret and private, or public and open. The man as a predator of his brother, and the Bible gives us an ancient example of this, Cain, who was the son of Adam and Eve, sinned by killing his brother Abel and was cursed and a mark was placed on him, and thus he was condemned by God to live wandering on earth. Sad and grim was the fate of Cain.
It is necessary to remember that wisdom as a science to live owes its reason of being to the existence of ethical laws that affect the life of man, wisdom is not a whim, wisdom simply exposes us to a practical dilemma when we make decisions: assertiveness (precision and accuracy) or error. When human beings live consciously transgressing the advices of wisdom, they enter the field of foolishness and madness. Inevitably madness and error are paid not with happiness, but with its opposite, suffering. Whoever sins does not spare others the problem of suffering; that is why the Bible, to avoid the path of the fool, proposes wisdom as the best solution to achieve true happiness.
The path of the fool. Whoever hates the law is without wisdom, and is tossed about like a boat in a storm. Ben Sira 33,2.jpg
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