Spiritual enlightenment: Give me Wisdom, the consort at your throne, and do not reject me from among your children. Wisdom 9:4

The Book of Wisdom attributed to King Solomon teaches us that to receive the spiritual illumination is to receive the spiritual gift of wisdom, because with the wisdom comes the perception of the truth with the mind, that is to say, the mind reaches the perception of the immaterial objects and the spiritual realities that are hidden from the use of human reason, as the Bible explains: "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know" Jeremiah 33:3.
A truly intelligent and sensible man especially understands that there is no greater good than wisdom because from it all things proceed, wisdom blesses and edifies: "If riches are desirable in life, what is richer than Wisdom, who produces all things?" Wisdom 8:5.
This is why Solomon, as a God-fearing man, sought wisdom above all things: "Give me Wisdom, the consort at your throne, and do not reject me from among your children" Wisdom 9:4. Wisdom, in addition to enlightening us, makes us children of God, or in other words, makes us essentially similar to the creator of all things. God is the wisdom itself, to talk about wisdom is to talk about God.
But Solomon with his study understood something else, only God grants the gift of wisdom, as a treasure, as a reward for the fear of God (constancy, firmness, devotion), that's why he wrote: "And knowing that I could not otherwise possess her unless God gave it—and this, too, was prudence, to know whose gifts she is—I went to the LORD and besought him" Wisdom 8:21. Gnosis, the act of inner enlightenment is a spiritual secret.
Seek that love of God, that wisdom, that true spiritual life, the things of the world are temporary and changeable, but wisdom is eternal. Wisdom is the prize that great souls have achieved for desiring the good. Spiritual issues are the most important because with them we also understand where we come from and where we are going, without them human life is meaningless.
Spiritual enlightenment. Give me Wisdom, the consort at your throne, and do not reject me from among your children. Wisdom 9,4.jpg
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