if winter comes, can spring be far behind ?

Day is followed by night and night is followed by day. fortune and misfortune are part of life. period of misfortune is not a permanent one. sooner or later the days of misfortunes and miseries will be over and the bright rays of hope and joy spread over. man gets perturbed and disappointed when misfortune loom large on him, and feels totally dejected. one must realize the basic truth of life that after every patch of sorrow there comes a period of happiness and hope.
winter is a kind of misfortune, treated as gloomy days when everything is pale and in gloomy shape, is also followed by spring which bring days of hope and happiness with all the bright colours and new leaves blooming. this is what the nature also tells us that don't be panicky during the bad days and pass this period with patience.
the good days are ahead as spring follows the winter. rightly said if winter comes, can spring be far behind.

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