Who is Dr. Neruda?

"Dr. Neruda from the ACIO (Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization) during the last 2 weeks of December 1997, before he disappeared – at least off my radar screen.

Dr. Neruda is about 6 feet tall, perhaps 170 pounds, has relatively long black hair, and by all appearances, seems of Peruvian descent or at least from somewhere in South America (though I never asked what specific city or village he grew up in). I would guess he was about 50 years old with just a few tinges of gray hair."

"The five interviews of Dr. Jamisson Neruda are an extension of the Ancient Arrow Project novel. The first three interviews are contained on the First Source disc, the fourth interview was released in November 2002, about a year following the release of the disc, and the fifth interview was released in April 2014.

The framework of these interviews is that Dr. Neruda has defected from the Advance Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) because his unique connection with the WingMakers has persuaded him that they hold the keys to humanity’s ability to attain The Grand Portal—the irrefutable scientific discovery of the human soul. His defection from the ACIO ultimately leads him to a journalist whom he contacts as a means to tell his story and get it out to the media.

In each of the five Neruda interviews, Dr. Neruda is being interviewed by a journalist named Sarah. Sarah skillfully draws out the details of the ACIO, what it’s like to work for a secret organization whose focus is to reverse-engineer recovered extraterrestrial technologies, but then, in the fifth and final interview, a powerful twist occurs—the hologram of deception (reality) is unmasked."

"Sarah: “But you’re saying everything is a lie? Everything… I mean everything we’ve been taught to believe is a deception! How is that possible… or … or even believable?”

Dr. Neruda: “It’s possible because the beings that have enslaved humanity designed a world in which we adjusted to over eons of time, and evolved into it in such a manner that we became lost in our world. The veils that have been placed over us are opaque. So much so that people operate as human uniforms unaware that everything around them is illusory. It is a programmed reality that is not real.
“The WingMakers say everything is simply sound holographically organized to look real.”"

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