Whispers of the desert

Howdy Steemians,
It’s been awhile since I’ve update my blog. I’d love to know what you all have been up to! This semester has had me a bit overwhelmed. However, not engulfed to the point that I have not been able to enjoy my admirations. Here are a few of my recent findings here in the south western part of the Chihuahuan Desert.

White Thorned Acacia Vachellia constricta

One of my absolute favorites! One of the most common shrubs in Mexico and Southwestern US. As Spring approaches, the White Thorned Acacia is one of the first to blossom. Giving life and color to the desert! It has very few visitors, due to the fact that it’s flowers provide no nectar and little pollen. One of its main visitors are ants, however. The White Thorned Acacia stems have little nectaries, that ants are very fond of. I recall reading about a particular Acacia that provides similar nectaries. The ants and the Acacia have a mutualistic relationship. The ants obtain food from the plant, whilst protecting it from predators. If I’m not mistaken, this particular Acacia sends out chemical signals when it is being preyed on by another animal. This signal is intercepted by the ants and they proceed to attack! It’s quite interesting. The types of symbiosis exhibited in nature. Working together is the only way to succeed.
Cherry Plum Prunus cerasifera
I believe both this image and the one above are Cherry Plums. This shrub is also one of the earliest to bloom in the spring. Having a various colors of foliage, it’s a pretty common ornamental plant. These particular ones were in fact cultivated at my university.
Mexican Bird of Paradise Caesalpunia gilliesii
The rest are just photos I’ve taken either on hikes or a daily stroll. I’ve been extremely appreciative of the beauty nature has to offer as of late. I believe it’s due to the fact that I’ve finally found myself associating with those of similar interests.

It’s therapeutic. I recall as a child hoarding flowers and leaves. I’ve always been intrigued by their variance. Never knew that said variance would have a purpose... kind of makes me consider my own.

As a child my mom would say “You know, you spend a lot of time staring at nothing.” Little did she know I was “staring” at everything. The subtle inanimates of life. The most alluring creatures. Who’s purpose is to be just that, alluring. Attractive only to benefit itself. To thrive.
Thank you.


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