First Lilacs Of Spring 2018 - See How I Arranged Them As A Wildflower Bouquet !


Syringa vulgaris

This plant is commonly known as Lilacs. It belongs to the olive family oleaceae and is actually a tree and is multi-stemmed with purple to almost bluish flowerettes in color. It has a stark aroma that would leave the room full of scent.

The origin is supposed to be in the balkan regions where it grows along rocky areas. Here in Europe, they are loved by gardeners because of its lovely flower clusters and smell. I even have one in my backyard that was at one time attacked by some kind of a mildew, sort of black and whitish in color which was caused by a fungus or the like, we had to cut its main stem. Now it is coming out again and begun to show some new leaves earlier last week.


This is the time of the year that lilacs bloom in early Spring. The clusters are so pretty to make as an arrangement and are favorite of decorators because they look delicate and elegant and beautiful when put in a vase. There are several hybrids and varieties that are available in the garden center.


Yesterday, I made a walk in the woods near our home just to exert more effort to make a bit of exercise. And I passed-by so many wild lilacs that I gathered some for my vase at home. As I am prone to its smell, I get a day-colds easily as I am allergic to pollens and smell. I always place my arranged bouquet on the garden table to adorn the area. That way, I can avoid its fragrance and still enjoy its beauty.



I have learned that the wood of the lilacs is so hard that it can be used to engrave an art , used it for knife handles and as well as to make musical instruments and other purposes.



Here, in my arrangement I paired the lilacs with the white wild hydrangea I also found in the woods. There are many of them growing just about everywhere and even throughout Summer. I think they match just alright and the white flowerettes also give contrast to the purple flowers.



Some gardeners say that never prune lilacs shrubs because they will not flower, whereas the unpruned one will bloom yearly.. It takes the lilac shrub to recover from the cut branches and therefore it will take many years before those new branches mature and bear buds.





That is all about today´s lilacs content and I hope you like my arrangement.

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