Wikileaks silences critics by turning sights on Russia

Up until a year ago, the American left adored Wikileaks. What reason did they have to stand in the way of the organisation which dared to go after George Bush's perverted attempts at using the threat of Islamic Terrorism in order to conduct the most grotesque seizure of power and resources across the Middle-East?

Of course, when Obama duped the public with his promises of progressivism before expanding Bush's military vision, as well as implementing George Orwell's worst nightmares in the form of the NSA, the left remained silent. War isn't necessarily evil, you see, as long as it's a proclaimed 'progressive' who is pulling the trigger. Progressive violence.

But then, during last year's election farce, Assange's pet project had the balls to go after Henry Kissinger's warhawkish apprentice Hillary Clinton. This crossed the line for the left.

In that moment Wikileaks became 'Russian Wikileaks', as Clinton so cleverly put it. A new Red Terror was invoked in order to stop people reading the Clinton emails that Wikileaks published for the world to see.

The fact that there was no evidence to corroborate this absurd claim aside from the accounts of DNC-bankrolled tech agencies or deep state spooks is naturally glossed-over.

So now Wikileaks need to rebrand themselves as the anti-Putin brigade in order to quell these baseless accusations, and what better way to do that than to expose the Russian state surveillance system the same way as Edward Snowden exposed the American one?


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The first release in this series goes after the company PETER-SERVICE and the highly-profitable mass data surveillance service which they provide to the Russian state.

You can read through the files here

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