Wikileaks & Assange - Hero or Dis-Info Agent? (Part 2)


Julian hacked under the name Mendax, which means liar.

What does this tell us about Julian Assange?

In Part 1 of this series we covered the first 16 years of Julian Assange’s life.

I presented, what I believe to be, more than reasonable evidence to conclude that Julian Assange spent at least some of his childhood in an Australian cult called The Family.

This is the only second day of the public trial of Julian Assange and Wikileaks in the Steemit People’s Court.

I am playing the role of a prosecutor, and attempting to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt - that Assange is a dis-info agent and/or gatekeeper - and that Wikileaks main agenda is to dominate the alternative media narrative. You will be the judge and jury, you can also be his defence attorney, if you wish.

Let’s pick the story backup in 1987 when Julian was 16. We will end when Julian is 35 - right before he launches Wikileaks.

What was Julian doing for 19 years? Read on and all will be revealed.

Truth Fears No Investigation - Let’s Investigate!

Mendax = Julian Assange


Julian began hacking in 1987 using the name/handle Mendax.

Depending on which etymology dictionary you check.

Mendax means:

I lie, deceive - Wikipedia

To be inventive, have second thoughts > to lie, conjure up - Wikipedia

Tendency to lie, falsehood, lying; a liar

a lie, untruth, falsehood, fiction, lying, deceitful, to speak falsely, lie, deceive - Online Etymology Dictionary

Q: Why would a highly intelligent young man choose a name that means liar, deceive?
A: Because he is a liar that deceives!

I can’t think of a more rational explanation for choosing ‘mendax’ - can you?

If you don’t intend to lie, why would you choose to call yourself a liar?

Hackers use `handles' - they serve two purposes. They shield the hacker's identity and, importantly, they anonymously share a statement about how they perceive themselves.

Mendax was a liar in 1987 - Mendax is a liar today!

The truth is often in plain sight, right under our noses, often coded.


International Subversives - Julian Assange.png

In 1987, still aged 16, Mendax, Trax and Prime Suspect formed a hacking group called the International Subversives.

Julian hacked into the Pentagon and other U.S. Department of Defense facilities, MILNET, the U.S. Navy, NASA, and Australia's Overseas Telecommunications Commission; Citibank, Lockheed Martin, Motorola, Panasonic, and Xerox; and the Australian National University, La Trobe University, and Stanford University's SRI International. He is thought to have been involved in the WANK (Worms Against Nuclear Killers) hack at NASA in 1989, but he does not acknowledge this. Source - Wikipedia

We had a backdoor in the U.S. military Security Coordination Center –- this is the peak security, for controlling the security of MILNET - the USA’s military internet. We had total control over this for two years - Julian Assange - WikiRebels Documentary - Timestamp 3:58 (link below).

Operation Weather


On the 18th October 1989, the computer systems at NASA were infiltrated as the Atlantis space shuttle was preparing to launch. The word ‘WANK’ - an acronym for the hacker group Worms Against Nuclear Killers appeared on NASA’s monitors. Right below it was a verse from the Australian rock band Midnight Oil that read:

“You talk of times of peace for all and then prepare for war.”

Your system has been officically WANKed.

We Steal Secrets The.Story of  WikiLeaks 2013 72.png

The word ’offiCIAlly’ was misspelled as (officically) when it appeared on NASA’s monitors. I don’t know if that was intentional or accidental, but I thought that I should record it in the blockchain and share it with you.

Considering that the hackers were incredibly intelligent young men, that had collectively written millions of lines of code, coupled with the significance and timing of the hack, it’s quite a ‘mistake’ to make. This is not important to me right now but it may help another researcher in the future.

Midnight Oil were not very well known outside of Australia and New Zealand at the time. Much of their music was anti-war and anti-nuclear weapons related. The lead singer was Peter Garrett.

Garrett first ran for Federal politics in 1984 but was unsuccessful. In 2004, the Australian Labour Party (one of the big two parties) handed him a safe Labour seat, unsurprisingly he was elected. Garrett was the Minister for the Environment (2007-2010), and Minister for Education (2010-2013).

While the perpetrators of the NASA attack ‘officially’ remains a mystery - the Australian Federal Police (AFP) later charged six Melbourne hackers for a string of hacking offences.

One of those young men was Mendax, aka Julian Assange.

In September 1991 (aged 20), Assange was discovered hacking into the Melbourne master terminal of Nortel, a Canadian multinational telecommunications corporation. The Australian Federal Police tapped Assange's phone line (he was using a modem), raided his home at the end of October, and eventually charged him in 1994 with 31 counts of hacking and related crimes.

In December 1996, he pleaded guilty to 25 charges (the other 6 were dropped), was ordered to pay reparations of A$2,100 and released on a good behaviour bond, avoiding a heavier penalty resulting from the perceived absence of malicious or mercenary intent and his disrupted childhood. Source - Wikipedia

Julian got off very lightly - one of the reasons given was because the court acknowledged ’his disrupted childhood’. Growing up in a cult, and possibly being exposed to MK-Ultra mind control programs would disrupt anyone’s childhood.

It took 6 years for the case to be finalized.

Underground - The Book


Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier was a 1997 book written by Suelette Dreyfus, and researched by Julian Assange.

It is the story of a group of young Australian hackers during the late 80’s and early 90’s, one of the characters in the book was called Mendax.

In 2001 the book was released as a free e-book (download link below). The book had sold 10,000 copies by 2010 - the royalties must have been very meagre.

The book was more or less ghostwritten for Assange, and while some names and details may have changed it is more fact than fiction.

Julian’s Income?

One recurring question that I keep asking myself is - how did Julian Assange financially support himself between 1987 and 2006?

That’s 19 years - Julian was aged between 16-35.

Just like his early childhood, there is mystery and significant gaps that cannot be fully accounted for. Some of them can be accounted for e.g. his time at university - but studying does not put food on the table.

This is what I discovered:

  • 1993 - Assange gives technical advise to the Victorian Police Child Exploitation Unit.
  • 1993 - helps start one of Australia’s first public, not-for-profit ISP’s - Suburbia Public Access Network. It is still operating today.
  • 1995 - authors STROBE v1.01 Super Optimised TCP port surveyor - his email is visible on the paper that he wrote (this email address is important later when we find him working with NASA, Los Alamos National Laboratories and Sematech in 1994).
  • 1996 - ran the Best of Security website which had 5,000 subscribers.
  • 1996 - wrote patches to the open-source database PostgreSQL. His name is listed on the page as one of the contributors.
  • 1996 - wrote patches for Usenet caching software NNTPCache. Assange’s name appears 77 times and he is still calling himself ‘proff’ in 2002.
  • 1997 - co-invents Rubberhose Denial Encryption Software i.e. cryptography.
  • 1998 - co-founded Earthman Technologies with the goal of developing Linux kernal hacking and algorithms for network intrusion detection. The company was unable to commercialize it’s technologies and was de-registered in 2002. According to the author of Underground and Earthman shareholder, Suelette Dreyfus - “they were just a bunch of coders trying to develop software from their dining rooms”.
  • 1999 - publicized a patent that was granted to the NSA in August of 1999 for voice-data harvesting technology. Assange said, “it should worry people, because everyone’s overseas phone calls either are being tapped or were soon to be tapped, and even archived by foreign spy agencies.”
  • 2000 - created Surfraw, a free, command line interface for web based search engines.

How did Julian Assange feed himself, provide for his son (we’ll get to that later), pay rent etc between 1987-2006 (19 years) when it seems that almost everything that he did was for free?

University Years

In 1994 Assange attends Central Queensland University, as an external, correspondent student. He studied programming.

I’m no programmer, but if Assange was in total control of MILNET for two years why did he need to study programming at university for 1 year?

An external student is never required to attend class. For all that we know someone else could have been acting for Julian - that is speculation.

Most people that read Assange attending Central Queensland University in 1994 would assume that he was living in Queensland. Could that be one of the reasons that he was enrolled there?

Assange was still living in Melbourne in 1994 - close to his Family roots.

Between 2003-2006 Assange was studying mathematics and physics at the University of Melbourne but leaves before completing his degree.

Email to NASA in 1994

Assange Email to NASA & Los Alomos Laboratories .png

On the 17th of November 1994, Julian Assange replied to an email from NASA employee Fred Blonder.

Fred Blonder was the UNIX toolkit coordinator at NASIRC (NASA Automated Systems Incident Response Capability). NASIRC was formed in 1993 and it quickly became an award winning team within the confines of NASA.

NASIRC has developed into an "award winning" team that provides immediate technical assistance and on-going value-added support for computer and network security-related incident handling issues on an agency-wide basis. Because of its increasing reputation for continually striving for responsiveness, reliability, and high quality incident handling services and products, requests for connectivity to the NASIRC on-line technical archives are continually received from worldwide sources in the public, private industry, defense, and academic communities.

The recipients of the award include Fred Blonder - Source - NASA

Someone from Los Alamos National Laboratories (mcn) was copied on the email (identity unknown).

Also copied on the email was Quentin Fennessy from Sematech.

SEMATECH was formed in 1987 as a partnership between the United States Government and 14 U.S.-based semiconductor manufacturers. Source - Wikipedia

Assange was working with the A-grade team at NASA in 1994.

That may explain how he feed himself and his family?

Marriage & Son

Assange married Teresa while he was a teenager.

In 1989 they had a son, Daniel Assange.

Daniel is now a very talented software engineer.

Julian and Teresa soon separated and Julian was awarded custody of Daniel. Julian was Daniel's primary carer for most of his childhood.

Teresa and Daniel now live in France.

How did Julian feed himself and Daniel for all of those years?

DARPA Connection


Pieter Zaitko and Julian Assange go way back. Pieter is only 8 months older than Julian. They were both hackers - they both worked for the US Government.

Julian was Mendax (liar) and Zaitko was Mudge.

Mudge was the highest profile member of the hacker think tank L0pht (L0pht Heavy Industries).

On May 19, 1998, Zaitko testified before the United States Congress that L0pht could shut down the entire internet in 30 minutes. He was working for BBN, a DARPA military contractor at the time.

In the year 2000, Mudge (Zaitko) met with Bill Clinton at a National Security Summit.

Zaitko worked for BBN Technologies during the 1990’s. Zaitko states that he and Julian last met (prior to 2009) in the late 1990’s while Zaitko was working for BBN.

In 2004, Zaitko becomes a division scientist at BBN.

In 2010 Zaitko was the project manager of a DARPA program focused on cyber security.

In 2013, Zaitko left DARPA and went to work at Google’s Advanced Technology & Projects Division - which is another DARPA military contractor.

Mudge is a recipient of the Secretary of Defense Medal for Exceptional Civilian Service - the highest award possible. Zaitko is also a recipient of the Order of Thor, which recognizes great commitment, service and contributions to the US militaries cyber division.

In Daniel Estulin’s book he quotes Peiter Zaitko as saying:

I bumped into Julian in Germany in 2009 at the Chaos Community Congress which was hosted by the Chaos Computer Club - Europe’s largest association of hackers.

I was heading back to my hotel when I spotted Julian Assange, this pre-dated my days of working as a project manager at Darpa as a hacker in residence if you will. It was also before Wikileaks released the Iraq helicopter shooting video collateral murder, and hundreds of thousands of diplomatic cables and the Swedish rape allegations.

Given that I hadn’t seen Julian in more than a decade I greeted him, and we agreed to grab some dinner and catch up.

After reminiscing about the old gang - he and I were part of the same milieu as Julian would say.

I asked why he had skipped out of the hacking scene to form Wikileaks.

Last I had heard Julian had left to study mathematics and physics at the University of Melbourne.

He was working a duress based crypto file system also known as the rubber hose file system.

Julian told me that his graduate work had been funded by a US Government grant, specifically NSA and DARPA money which was supposed to be used for ‘fundamental security research’.

It was at the time when the Bush administration and Department of Defence seemed to be placifying a great deal of fundamental research and pulling back on university funds.

So here you have a non-US citizen, studying at a foreign university, who was doing graduate studies, and the United States Government came barreling in, and not only snuffed out the funding and killed his studies, but also barred him from knowing what it was that he had been funded to research.

So you see, depending on who you ask, the US Government actually helped to create Wikileaks, and the rest as they say is history.

If Pieter Zaitko is to believed - Julian Assange’s was given a grant from the NSA & DARPA to ’study’ at the University of Melbourne between 2003-2006.

Closing Thoughts


Why has the mainstream media not told us of the connection between Julian Assange and The Family?

Why has the mainstream media not told us that Assange was working for the US Government in 1994?

If the government, and mainstream media wanted to destroy Assange’s credibility they could easily do so.

Mendax means liar - why call yourself a liar if you aren’t one?

Julian was working for the Victorian Police in 1993.

Julian was working for the US Government in 1994, maybe earlier?

Did the NSA and DARPA pay Assange to study or were they paying him for something else?

Part 1 of this series proved beyond reasonable doubt that Julian Assange spent some of his childhood in a cult. He was possibly, (I believe likely) exposed to MK-Ultra mind control.

Even if Julian was not an MK-Ultra child, it is not unreasonable to believe that he was recruited by the US Government after they discovered him hacking into their systems. It may also explain the light penalty that he received for his crimes?

Mudge was a hacker that went to work for DARPA.

Do you remember the movie ‘Catch Me If You Can’ starring Leonardo DiCaprio? It was based on a true story. Frank Abagnale was recruited by the FBI - it happens all the time!

Some of the points that I have raised in this post are less important, or credible than others. I am merely presenting the pertinent evidence that I have discovered with you - it is up to you, the jury to arrive at a verdict.

If one piece of evidence is not convincing - that does not mean that all of the other evidence is invalid.

I have now covered the first 35 years of Julian Assange’s life.

In my next post we will cover the launching of Wikileaks and some of the unusual events surrounding it.

This research has taken me many weeks to compile and I am far from finished.

Please let me know what you think about this post in the comments below and consider giving me a big upvote and resteeming. It will allow me to spend more time researching and sharing my findings with you.

Please reserve your final judgement until I have presented all of the evidence.

Thank you for reading!

Till next time…

Yours in Peace, Love & Truth

Related Post:

Part 1 - Wikileaks & Assange - Hero or Dis-Info Agent?

Controlled Opposition - Your Friend Might Be Your Enemy - Truth


Book - Deconstructing Wikileaks by Daniel Estulin

Julian Assange - Wikipedia

The Australian Newspaper 2009

Video - WikiRebels

Underground - Free e-Book

STROBE v1.01 Super Optimised TCP port surveyor

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