WikiLeaks at Center of Roger Stone FBI Arrest

If you're trying to make sense of the purpose of the Roget Stone arrest, know that's it's about trying to intimidate people who have any real or implied association with Julian Assange or WikiLeaks.

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To prove how central WikiLeaks is to the whole Roget Stone arrest, one only needs to go read the Roger J. Stone indictment. If you just try to find the mention of WikiLeaks, you won't find a single mention. Neither will you of Julian Assange. But when you start to read the document, it only takes getting to the 3rd paragraph to see WIkiLeaks mentioned as some ominous "Organization 1".

From in or around July 2016 through in or around November 2016, an organization (“Organization 1”), which had previously posted documents stolen by others from U.S. persons,
entities, and the U.S. government, released tens of thousands of documents stolen from the DNC and the personal email account of the chairman of the U.S. presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton (“Clinton Campaign”).


After the release of leaked documents by WikiLeaks, Roger Stone was "around trying to claim a "back channel" to draw attention to himself", as WikiLeaks' Twitter account puts it:

Roger Stone indictment proves what @WikiLeaks has always said. Stone ran around trying to claim a "back channel" to draw attention to himself. Here Stone is indicted for trying to push @credicorandy into falsely claiming a back-channel to WikiLeaks -- by threatening his dog.


According to Aaron Mate on Twitter:

Stone had no actual link to Wikileaks, he just trolled everyone into thinking that he did. He’s now being indicted for lying to Congress — not to Mueller btw — about his efforts to find out what Wikileaks had from two people who also had no real link either.

Barry Pollack, the U.S. attorney for Mr. Assange, made a statement through the @WikiLeaks Twitter feed:

"The dawn military-style arrest of Mr. Stone, a 66-year-old political consultant was wholly unnecessary and served no purpose other than intimidation."

"The charges against Mr. Stone do not allege that Mr. Stone lied about his [lack of] contacts with Julian Assange, but rather about his contacts with others and about documents reflecting those communications."

This is what the Roger Stone arrest centers around, apparently. He lied about having contact with WikiLeaks. "Arrest that man!" What a joke! It's another feeble attempt by Russiagate dogs and the FBI to link Russia, WikiLeaks and Trump in some grand "conspiracy theory" to steal the election and destroy democracy. As I see it, WikiLeaks is helping democracy, and the DNC and FBI are the one's helping to destroy it.

In an article by the Washington Post, you can see how this is all about a Russiagate witch-hunt that puts anyone in jail for things like lying in their desperate attempt to try to get to Trump:

With Stone’s indictment, the special-counsel investigation has now led to charges against 34 people and guilty pleas by six Trump associates and advisers, including Manafort, former deputy campaign manager Rick Gates, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, former Trump attorney Michael Cohen and former campaign adviser George Papadopoulos.

None of those charges have included specific allegations that Trump associates conspired with Russia to interfere in the election.

There are liars everywhere in politics. Bankers lied to Congress after the financial crash. But the only show being put on to send people to jail for lying that I'm seeing hyped, are these cases of Russiagate witch-hunting. Mueller is a mad dog out to get revenge for the Democratic party's loss at the previous elections, and more arrests are likely to be made in pathetic attempts to "punish" those who are honestly or falsely associated with Trump or WikiLeaks.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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