Top 10 False/Fabricated Stories About WikiLeaks or Julian Assange

Last year saw a lot going on with Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. The biggest story of fake news was from the end of November, when The Guardian published a concocted story of Julian Assange having several "secret" meetings with a former Trump campaign official, Paul Manafort.

Source, Source

This fake news still hasn't been retracted. Many praise the "journlaism" of hack-jobs liek Luke Harding. Meanwhile, WikiLeaks is domonized for putting out real information that has never needed to be retracted because it's all true.

There have been numerous false claims launched against WikiLeaks or Julian Assange over the years. WikiLeaks posted what they consider the "top 10" false/fake stories against them.

#1 - Guardian front page fabrication claiming that Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort had "secret meetings " with Julian Assange. The fabrication included dates (2013, 2015, 2016) and Manafort's clothing on the alleged visits ("sandy coloured chinos")


#2 - Tripple false leak from CNN, NBC, CBS which falsely claimed Trump Jr received information from WikiLeaks ahead of publication. In fact, once the original doc appeared it proved that it was not from WikiLeaks and that it was not prior to publication.


#3 - Newsweek falsely stated during the US election that WikiLeaks' emails had been modified. Academic study revealed that this false claim was the #1 fake news during the election. Newsweek was sued. Article deleted and settlement paid.


#4 - AP falsely claimed that Assange "hacked politicians around the world". Correction issued:


#5 - Guardian falsely claimed a "Russian plot" to "smuggle" Julian Assange out of embassy


#6 - El Pais falsely claimed Assange & Russia behind Catalan referendum. WikiLeaks called for editor to be fired. Editor fired.


#7 - Pervasive false claims of "17 intelligence agencies"


#8 - Guardian falsely claimed of relationship between Assange and Russia. Retracted:


#9 - NPR falsely claimed that WikiLeaks posted inauthentic #Macronleaks; Other press falsely claimed French found Russia behind leaks [in fact, French government formally stated they could not attribute]


#10 - Shortly after WikiLeaks publication of DNC emails, New York Times falsely claimed that WikiLeaks published millions of female Turkish voting record, which was spread widely seemingly to discredit the DNC publication by proxy. WikiLeaks didn't publish them. Another site did.


There you have it. A nice list showing how much more accurate WikiLeaks is for just putting out leaked documents, while the mainstream media has many times put out false stories. One is the villain, and the other a hero. If anything, the roles should be reversed.

WikiLeaks and Assange are the ones hated and treated like criminals. For publishing leaked documents? Why has the mainstream press been seen as heroes for publishing leaked documents that the government didn't want to get out? Think of the Watergate scandal and the Pentagon Papers. That was all leaked.

We're living in a time where people are so attached to illusions that they can't see who is telling them the truth anymore.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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