Just when you thought we had hit peak CryptoKitty mania - this happens
Official WikiLeaks CryptoKitties
Today, 21 December 2017, WikiLeaks announces the arrival of its first purebred WikiLeaks CryptoKitties. Parents Mr. WikiLeaks and Mrs. WikiLeaks’ unique offspring have started to explore the blockchain. WikiLeaks CryptoKitties go on sale today.
These are the parents, two Generation 0 kitties called Mr and Mrs Wikileaks :
WikiLeaks is giving away two first gen kitties, Trump’s Tender Tabby and Clinton Console Kitty to President Trump and Secretary Clinton.
Wikileaks will be auctioning off their kitty offspring to help fund their operations .
With crypto-mania beginning to hit the mainstream hard, and some previous kitties selling for as much as 100k each - this could be a great moneymaker for Wikileaks going forwards.
PS: I wish they would answer their messages and take the @julianassange account keys - it's worth over $800 already!
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