Where is Julian Assange ? It's now been 57 days since verifiable proof-of-life .

I haven't posted on steemit about Wikileaks and Julian Assange much lately, but it's still weighing heavily on my mind.

I'm 99% convinced that Julian Assange has been captured and/or killed since the day his internet connection was cut.

Since that day, there have been countless suspicious out of character tweets, and a whole lot of theater from a LOT of people - but still no proof-of-life.

Recently, anyone that even asks for proof of life is being attacked and accused of running a "Black-PR" campaign against Wikileaks. Persist enough, and the wikileaks account will block you on twitter as they have to at least dozens of their OG supporters.

This hurts, and only convinces me further that they've been compromised. Julian wouldn't do this.

Why I care so much about Julian and Wikileaks

I've been following Julian and his journey since long before Wikileaks even started - because my own journey has been similar in many ways. The early days of BBS systems and phone phreaking were an amazing preview of what would one day become the internet - and "Mendax" and I slipped in and out of many of the same systems and circles over the years.

Take the time to read "Underground" by Suelette Dreyfus.
Its available in many formats, for free at underground-book.net.

There was something magical about hacktivism back then, everything felt so much more raw and direct. For many fellow phreakers & hacktivists it was our first taste of true power over this whole world that was completely invisible to the average person. Many became completely addicted to this search for knowledge, more code, more systems, more power.

These early discoveries and adventures moulded me into the "crazy/paranoid" person I am today - and I wouldn't take any of it back for the world. It opened my eyes to a whole underworld, and trained me to never accept things at face value again.

Decades later, I discovered steemit - and within about 2 weeks of joining I had recognised that the average Steemian was a lot more open minded and anarchistic then your usual netizen and decided to start @steemleak as a way to attempt to give something back to Julian for setting me on this path.

I worked on @steemleak for months, fundraising for wikileaks and helping spread the most important leaks as best as I could without taking a cent of the proceeds for myself.

The moment things didn't feel right to me, I suspended donations and announced this fact.

All funds have stayed in the @steemleak account - I would rather burn the whole account and my reputation then potentially pay an intelligence agency for murdering yet another one of my heroes.

So, whats the problem with Wikileaks ?

I've already posted a full timeline of events since his dissapearance, I'm not sure how many people took it seriously :

Heres a short summary of just a few of the basic issues:

  • "Wikileaks" has refused or been unable to use their PGP key since the internet was cut.
  • "WikiLeaks" Twitter behavior changed to become more partisan, less "professional".
  • "WikiLeaks" said they would provide proof of life weeks ago and still haven't.
  • "WikiLeaks" has now requested that people stop asking for proof of life.
  • "Wikileaks" blamed their own supporters for the massive DDOS that disrupted their own site.
  • "Wikileaks" did a reddit AMA where verification was never provided - they claimed a broken Imgur link contained a verification selfie from a staff member. No one except the brand new anonymous mod team has allegedly seen this verification.
  • All "phone interviews" have all been terrible audio quality, only happened after Adobe VoCo was released, and do not respond realistically to questions from the interviewers - often speaking over the top as though it was a pre-recorded soundboard.
  • In all of this time there have been no sightings of Assange from the embassy windows.
  • Many of the Wikileaks team members still have not spoken publicly since the internet was cut
  • The Swedish lawyer never questioned Assange directly, it was done via Ecuadorian Embassy member. She did not physically see him. Neither did Assange's own lawyer.
  • The permanent UK police presence at the embassy stopped the same day his internet was cut.
  • Many of the periscope streamers that were at the embassy are now MIA
  • The main wikileaks DNS server changed on the same day as the internet was cut
  • The BBC reported and then tried to retract that assange's arrest was "imminent" that same day.
  • The RT Pilger interview shows signs of editing, and there was a Pilger interview back in August that's now dissapeared from the internet. I believe they've simply edited the older interview, deleted the original and reuploaded it as new "proof".
  • RiseUp.net (WikiLeaks email services provider) has NOT renewed their quarterly warrant canary and are refusing to answer questions about it.
  • All releases since his internet was cut have lacked any real impact, and the total file count on wikileaks.org is steadily decreasing.
  • John Podesta had been publicly mocking Julian, and he was also in London the day Assange dissapeared.
  • EmbassyCat had been quiet ever since the internet was cut, but recently came back to life with only old photos.
  • Pamela Anderson has no prior history with Assange before her visit on the day the internet was cut, despite her claims - but the media is attempting to spread the rumor she's pregnant with his child.
  • Several people have claimed to visit Assange randomly, there are never any witnesses to this - and nobody ever takes photos despite the huge public outcry for proof of life.
  • Assange never published from the Ecuadorian embassy, but this was still used as the reason for why the internet was cut.
  • The election is now over, and Ecuador still has not reconnected the internet or answered questions about it.
  • Realistically, Assange never would have been reliant on the embassy wifi in the first place. The excuse never made any sense.

The list of problems with this situation could fill a dozen posts and still not scratch the surface.

Despite how the mainstream media is trying to downplay fears, at least 23% of all incoming tweets to wikileaks are concerned supporters asking for Proof of Life.

Here's a short video from Milo Yiannopoulos covering the basic timeline :

There is a dedicated public subreddit about this at /r/whereisassange , as well as multiple private subreddits, forums and discord chat rooms packed full of people researching this around the clock.

We're not crazy. Wikileaks has been compromised.

What now ?

I'm not sure I'll ever really get closure on this.
If my suspicions are correct we will never see Julian again, and whoever is in control will continue this charade weekend-at-bernies style for as long as possible.

Wikileaks has become an incredibly powerful political tool, and at this point too many people have gotten involved in the coverup to admit it. There would be massive political blowback on London, Ecuador and Sweden for their part in this lie if the public ever got to learn the full details.

I'll continue to monitor the situation, but these flimsy "proofs" are pretty insulting and now being accused of spreading misinformation for pointing out glaringly obvious problems is starting to really piss me off.

I'm trying not to burn bridges, I'll continue to hold on to a tiny little sliver of hope that he's not dead - but I don't know how much more I can take..

~ @ausbitbank ~

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