How to give your wife a sexual orgasm you never dreamed of before?

The sexual process can be divided into three main important stages:
1 - the phase of primary sexual caresses (pre-intercourse caresses)
2 - intercourse stage (introduction of the penis in the vagina)
3 - caresses immediately after intercourse
and I will talk about these three stages, but I will focus on the first stage (Pre-sexual intercourse), and how to sensitize sensitive areas in women (such as breasts and clitoris) in detail, and other important things and (sexual secrets important) !!
Men often focus on the second stage of the sexual process (intercourse and vaginal penetration), while reducing the importance of the first and third stages.
But the truth is that women (stimulated and enjoyed) in the first and third stages (ie, pre-post-intercourse) and need them more than the process of intercourse itself, Do not get full sexual gratification if (I said) fondling (pre) or (after) intercourse.
This is one of the facts that every man must keep in mind, and women's sexual desires are very different from those of men.
The other fact is that sexual practice for women is primarily emotional, and the second is sexual or physical. Therefore, women prefer to call sex (the practice of love).
In the first stage (pre-intercourse caresses):
Scientific and practical studies in the field of sex say that women need an average of (15 to 20 minutes) at least sexual caresses to be fully prepared for the process of intercourse.
Grouping is not fun for women unless it is preceded by extensive caresses that make women at the top of sexual arousal.
Many women say that they can not reach orgasm unless intercourse is preceded by intercourse. No matter how hard the man tries during the process of sexual intercourse and intercourse, he will not be able to do so, unless the intercourse process is preceded by a lot of sexual caresses.
In other words, if prenatal intercourse is not enough, women can not reach sexual orgasm or orgasm (even if the penis continues to enter the vagina and move it for a long time!), So pre-sexual intercourse is the most important stage for women.
The question here is: How do you prepare and excite women in pre-intercourse?
In the beginning, it is advisable for the husband to inform his wife that he intends to approach her sexually (ie, intercourse) before intercourse long enough. As if to tell her at the beginning of the evening or before intercourse hours if possible, Which makes the wife prepare psychologically for sexual encounter and be on a good level of psychological preparation and excitement with the beginning of sexual caresses.
Women's psychosocial factors are extremely important to them, and they control whether or not women will enjoy sex, unlike a man who may be ready for sexual performance after a few seconds of thinking about sex, regardless of his or her mental state. But this does not work for women. You need to be in a position to respond to sexual stimuli.
The husband can create (sexual mood) for the wife, among other things:
1 - to inform her desire to (exercise love) hours before that if possible.
2 - Kalakasam slave:
The man is aroused in view while the woman is raised speech, and here I emphasize the importance of the man to say to his wife (love you) before each sexual encounter no matter how long the relationship between them, it is one word does not cost the man anything, But it has a great impact on the heart of women.
On one occasion, I read that a 60-year-old woman married to 40 years old used to say "I love you" to her husband just to make her husband say "I love you too". But her husband was only smiling, instead of saying (and I love you too).
Women like to hear this magical word, but the shyness of men and their ignorance also stand in the way of saying so.
3 - Touch and kissing and talking !! : One
of the biggest mistakes common among men is that when they touch their wives they are (rushing) to touch and excite the sexual areas such as breasts, clitoris and labia. This is a serious mistake, too.
It is necessary to leave these areas and make them (the last that is raised and caressed) during pre-sexual intercourse.
These areas (breast and vagina) are not responsive to sexual excitement except during the arrival of the wife to a high level of excitement, and may be those excuses (painful and hate) if the woman is not aroused greatly.
Therefore, the husband should accept his wife (in a light and romantic way) in her mouth, cheek, neck, behind her ears and shoulders, and to mix it all with the words of love.
When the husband notices his wife's response to these excuses (such as increasing her breathing speed), she increases the strength of kissing and the strength of touch and embrace, and at this stage the breasts become receptive to sexual influences.
How to get rid of the breasts ???????????
It is known that the nipples of the breast and the region (pink or the structure surrounding the nipples), known as (breast halo) are the most sensitive areas in the breast.
But it is wrong to get these areas before the rest of the breast, as in the world of sex should always raise the less sensitive areas first and then the most sensitive areas, which ultimately lead to exciting results and achieve full sexual satisfaction of the wife.
In the beginning, the husband (intelligent) to touch (Khvaiyev) of the breasts with the abandonment and neglect (nipples and breast halo) at the beginning, and know this behavior in the world of sex (teasing) or (desirable torture !!), where the husband excites All the surrounding areas are close to the nipples with the same nipples ignored and thus the nipples become very sexual sensitive as women become very excited.
The mastectomy is preferred by circular movements, ie, circles that surround the entire breast and move from the bottom of the breast to the top, close to the halo of the breasts and nipples, but should not touch or move (halo or nipples) at the beginning. After a while, he stimulates and stimulates the aura and nipples themselves with the light touch first, and then comes the sucking, sucking and sucking on the breast whole with the focus finally on the nipples of the breast.
In this way, the woman is sexually aroused and the amount of vaginal secretions increases significantly, then the vulva area becomes ready for excretions.
Important Note:
In most women, one breast is more responsive to sexual stimuli than the other. Therefore, the wife should inform her husband accordingly. The husband should ask his wife which of her breasts is more responsive to sexual stimuli. (We are still in the pre-intercourse and penetration of the penis in the vagina)
after the breasts are properly stimulated, the husband to stimulate (belly and navel) touch Khvayev and kisses also kind !!!
And then stimulates (the inside of the thighs) the inner part of the thighs, Starting from above the knee until approaching the vulva area. The closer the touches of the vulva, the stronger the desired torture, but (be careful not to touch the vulva now) (ie, do not touch the vagina now), and repeated excitation of the soles of the thighs several times with the touch Khvaiyev and kisses also kind. Women love to accept in every part of their bodies.
The area of ​​the thighs is of great sexual importance. The sexual nerves that feed them are a branch of the sexual nerves that feed the vulva area itself.
After the soles of the thighs, the pubic area, which is usually covered with hair and contains inside it a quantity of fatty tissue (grease) as well as a large amount of sexual nerves (the area extending from the navel to the clitoris, but the clitoris is not within this area) In the area of ​​(mound) and translated is (the area of ​​the plateau or hill) because they are a little high (solid) to the large grease inside. This area is stimulated by touching the fingertips from the top and toward the clitoris (but do not touch the clitoris). Here again, the intelligent husband should use the sexual technique known as "the desired torture!"
At this stage, the vaginal secretions will have covered the entire vulva, and the woman's body and area of ​​her own pelvis become contaminated by the intensity of sexual arousal, and then comes the last stage of pre-intercourse caresses, which stimulates the clitoris and the labia.
As always, you should always start with the gentle, light touch on the vulva area, and then slowly increase the speed and pressure (but not much). After that, you will focus your attention on the most sensitive member of the woman's body And is (the clitoris).
Some women like to excite the clitoris from top to bottom, some are raised more when the clitoris is raised by movements (from right to left), others prefer circular movements, There are also women who love all the above movements.
Another important note:
there is often a side of the clitoris that is more sensitive than the other side. In some women the right side of the clitoris is more sensitive than the left side or vice versa!
Therefore, it is obligatory for a man to ask his wife about what she prefers, as it is obligatory for a woman to tell her husband what she likes without any shyness or shyness, so that the woman should be taught to her husband during the sexual process. Benefit from two aspects:
1 - you will enjoy more than sexual encounter.
2 - her husband will love her more, because the husband does not like shy women of sex.
The woman should also tell her husband how quickly and with what pressure she prefers, and when she increases or decreases them.
Another third observation:
When the clitoris is stimulated, (Preferably a lot) put a finger and then two fingers inside the vagina at the same time and move them in and out if possible.
As (must) insert the fingers in a way (very slow), and this part of the so-called (torture desirable) too!
The husband can continue to stimulate the clitoris and vagina with his hands until the wife reaches orgasm or sexual orgasm, and when approaching or reaching orgasm, it can start (the process of sexual intercourse) and penetration of the penis instead of the fingers in the vagina.
Post-intercourse caresses:
After a woman's sexual orgasm, she is always in need of a hug and kisses for several minutes until she calms herself down a bit. She does not complete her happiness and thirst without those sensitive moments. But on the other hand, the man feels very tired and very sleepy after reaching orgasm and libel.
So the husband must understand the nature of his wife's nationality and try to overcome his selfishness and desire in (rapid intercourse),

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