Wide Open Daily: Day 73

Today I didn't get a chance to pick up the camera until after it was dark and @melodyrussell said I should try to capture some fireflys!

I walked out to the fence line, looking out into the field behind our house and this is what i came up with!


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The light from our tiny airport shines on this field 15 times every 30 seconds giving just enough light off to show some of the field! There are soooooo many lightning bugs!!

What is Wide Open Daily you ask?

Well..... I've grown tired of trying to come up with something new for the weekly #colorchallenge and many of the other photography prompts I have used here on Steemit over the last year and decided it's time to just do my own thing!

Sooooo....I'm going to challenge myself to take at least one new photo everyday with my Sigma Art 50mm wide open at f/1.4!! I freeking love this lens and the super narrow depth of field it creates when used wide open!

Thanks for checkin' it out!!

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