Little Known Facts About the Pentagram

Several years ago while sitting at a bus stop a man approached me and angrily asked what my affiliation was with Satan simply because he spotted the pentagram around my neck. What did I do? I did the most positive, loving and helpful thing possible, I educated him. First I asked,

If God put a Star in the Heavens to Lead Wise People to His Son
and it was Man who Tacked Him Up on a Death Stick
Why do people revere the cross?
Would you consider the WEAPON that MURDERED Your
"Only Begotten Son"
Special or Sacred in Any Way?
I Know I Don't.
I have NO Affiliation with Satan, I simply Choose the Star instead of the stick.
Then I went home and googled "Pentagram Symbology in the Bible" and found the following information:
The word pentagram comes from the Greek: "pente means 5 (as in Pentagon). "Gram" comes from the Greek verb graphein, "to write".

Upright pentacles and pentagrams are among the most widely used religious symbols. They have been used in many eras and by many cultures and religions of the world: by ancient Pagans, ancient Israelites, Christians, magicians, Wiccans and others.

This symbol apparently originated as the symbol of a Goddess who was worshiped over an area which extends from present-day England to Egypt and beyond. Her name was Kore (a.k.a. Car, Cara, Carnac, Ceres, Core, Kar, Karnak, Kaur, Kauri, Ker, Kerma, Kher, Kore, Q're, etc.). As Carmenta she was said to have invented the Roman alphabet. From her alternative Roman name Ceres have evolved many English words: cardiac, carnal, cereal, core, corn, and kernel.

Kore's sacred fruit is the apple. When an apple is cut through its equator, both halves will reveal a near-perfect pentagram shape at the core,

The Roma refer to the core as the Star of Knowledge.

In ancient Greece, Pythagoras (586 - 506 BCE) established a school which pursued knowledge in mathematics, music, religion, and other specialties. Driven underground, his followers used the pentagram as a secret sign to identify themselves to each other.

Kore was worshiped within the Coptic Gnostic Christian religion in Alexandria, Egypt, during the 4th century CE. Her festival, the Koreion, was held yearly on JAN-6. This was adopted by the Christian church as Feast of Epiphany (a.k.a. Twelfth Night). 2 This date is still celebrated as Jesus' birthday in Armenian churches, and is observed with more pomp than is Christmas by the Greek Orthodox church. 3

During the times of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), the pentacle was the first and most important of the Seven Seals - an amulet whose seals represented the seven secret names of God. It was inscribed on King Solomon's ring,
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