Whonix: A High Security Method of Surfing the Internet


Whonix is a desktop operating system designed for advanced security and privacy.
Whonix mitigates the threat of common attack vectors while maintaining usability.
Online anonymity is realized via fail-safe, automatic, and desktop-wide use of the Tor network.
A heavily reconfigured Debian base is run inside multiple virtual machines, providing a substantial layer of protection from malware and IP address leaks.
Commonly used applications are pre-installed and safely pre-configured for immediate use.
The user is not jeopardized by installing additional applications or personalizing the desktop.
Whonix is under active development and is the only operating system designed to be run inside a VM and paired with Tor.

Surf and communicate over the Internet without being drawn, is the ambition of the open source OS Whonix, which mixes Ubuntu and Tor in an original mounting in the form of two virtual machines combined.

Whonix is an open source operating system that aims to allow users to surf discreetly on the Web.

Formerly known the name of TorBox, this OS is not designed to run natively on a PC. Instead, it comes in the form of images disk dedicated to desktop virtualization tool VirtualBox. Whonix can thus be used on any machine running Windows, OS X, Linux or Solaris.

Two virtual machines for maximum protection

Based on the Debian Linux distribution, Whonix consists of two virtual machines. The first (Whonix Gateway) is used as Internet gateway. She passed all Internet calls from the second virtual machine (Whonix-Workstation) by Tor secure network.

Thus, all traffic is protected from prying eyes. Moreover, if the user's virtual machine had to be penetrated by a hacker, it could not break the configuration of Tor gateway (and discover the real IP address of the user), as works in a separate virtual machine.

This project will interest users who want to protect their privacy. It is also an interesting example of using desktop virtualization tools, the establishment of such a network infrastructure being impossible to consider a PC that would not use such techniques.

link: https://www.whonix.org

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