Oh To Be White In America!

I know y'all still asleep.

Everytime I talk about white privileges on my page, I know some eyes roll; i know people think I'm just crazy to think racism is such a big threat; Get over it black people, right??

Racism is the driving force, the motivation of so many things white people do in America - Including, allowing a man to become the President, with no qualifications for the job, no previous experience -- who then does absolutely nothing for 4 years -- Tells racist white supremacists they are GOOD people; and the ones who are against them, are 'just as bad' .... Tells Cops to go ahead and Rough those blacks up more; Stop bein so gentle with them .... calls Black Athletes Sons of B(tches -- insulting all their Black mothers .... simply for wanting to bring attention to ongoing inequality in our Legal System .... Insults Several Black Women - from Journalists to Congresswomen -----> and after ALL That --- IGNORES a mf Pandemic -- does absolutely NOTHING - again - leading to what will eventually be over 500,000 people dead in 1 year .....

--- ONLY To top it all off by DENYING He lost an election so he could rile up his racist white supremacist base, THAT MUCH MORE ---> to the point they would show up for a rally on the day Congress would certify the election; JUST to aim them like a bullet - at Congress -- > So they could storm the capital and possibly even Murder a few senators.............. and after all that ...

His fellow White peers say ... #NotGuilty ....

OH to be white in America .....

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