The fallacy of white privilege

Facts to consider during black history month:
Prior to US independence, nearly half of white immigrants to the colonies were enslaved (convicts or indentured servants). Unlike black slaves, who were encouraged to marry and raise families, white slaves were expected to remain celibate, eliminating the chance their future progeny might benefit from their poor circumstance.
As of 1810, less then 3% of U.S. families owned slaves. Prior to waves of disenfranchised Germans and Irish immigrants, the total US population in 1810 was 8 million (free + enslaved); however, the free population more than doubled with the wave of immigrants in the early 1800s. Immigration from other countries pre-Emancipation put slave ownership at less than 1% of Americans. In 1810, more than 40% of U.S. blacks were free men, albeit geographically restricted.
By the time of the Civil war, half the African American population was already free and benefiting from economic privilege that apologists erroneously ascribe only to non-blacks. These facts, individually and collectively, disprove any sweeping rhetoric about "white privilege" stemming from enslavement. 99% of Americans didn't participate in slavery.

What about indirectly benefiting: also untrue, if for no other reason than half of "blacks", being free, benefited from the "privilege" which apologists incorrectly assert is inherent to "non-blacks", and these free blacks and their progeny benefited from enslaved whites as well. Whether African, Irish or German, few immigrants were welcomed upon arrival - usually the opposite, In short, we of every race are privileged to live in a nation of freedom and opportunity. Why are ethnic remembrances important then? For emotional support, not to rewrite history. Emotions are not logical or factual, however there is little harm in assuaging the emotions by letting ethnic groups be heard and helping them celebrate the unique gifts they bring to human history and the unique greatness of the U.S.

Disclosure: According to 23andme results, Dr Frank is German, Irish, African and Russian.

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