The White Paper: Parhelion is StraussnerCoin (SßC)

As a previous post indicated the multi-faceted life of Ludwig von Straussner is to be explored.
Financial success was not a known feature of Straussner's life, indeed all indications suggest quite the contrary. However there is considerable evidence that Straussner regarded himself as what today we would call a ''financial advisor''. This seeming paradox should not surprise us. Straussner's story is rife with paradoxes of much greater proportion.
When dealing with financial matters Straussner tended to write in French and/or English. It is unknown why he did this. His spoken English was legendarily bad and most of what he wrote in the "Langue de Shakespeare" was unintelligible (Dickens used the word "gibberish" .......but Dickens could be harsh.) Straussner's French was better although punctuated with a lot of interesting spellings which experts think were an attempt to give to French nouns those ''case'' forms which exist in German but not in French.
All this said, once one wades through a Straussnerian manuscript, one is often surprised. Imagine my shock to read manuscript # 2316 which in my opinion is nothing less than a 19th Century ''white paper'' for a proposed cryptocurrency!! Fortunately the document is perfectly preserved as it became part of a court document. Straussner found himself in court on several occasions in his life. Suffice it to say that 19th Europe was not ''ready'' for cryptocurrency.
I am leading the study group in charge of interpreting this important manuscript. I look forward to presenting our findings to the Steemit community. Straussner had chosen the name "Parhelion" to represent his monetary creation. I think it only fitting however that when the ICO is launched that this new cryptocurrency should be known as : "StraussnerCoin"


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