Dev Coin White Paper v 0.01

white paper


                                          Dev Coin

Bridging the gap between developers demand and supply


As it is noticed that there is a shortage of developers in the market than their demand, and their demand rate is keep increasing as world is moving more and more towards technology. So to counter this problem the idea is simple, lets understand the idea by breaking it into parts :

In the first phase of the idea we will launch our ICO for the public, and after that our dev coin can be purchased through crypto exchange. This dev coin then can be used  to buy “working hours of developers”.

With the money we rose from trading our dev coin, we will launch a program for the mass production of quality developers and they will be get paid for learning, half of the amount raised will be spend on their quality training and half will be paid to them as stipend.

A platform will also be built where holders of dev coin can hire a developer by spending dev coin. With the launch of ICO the platform will also be launched so holders of dev coin can instatly start getting value. 

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