White Helmets Expose Featuring Vanessa Beeley and Deb (Sane Progressive)

White Helmets Expose Featuring Vanessa Beeley and Deb (Sane Progressive)
By Mario F. (A.) Stevenson
May 27, 2017


[4] White Helmets is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) also known as Syria Civil Defence, an organization formed operating in parts of Syria and Turkey performing urban search and rescue. Watch the video for more talking points.

From the [1] SCD website: "What is the Syria Civil Defence?

We are a group of nearly 3000 volunteers who work to save lives and strengthen communities in Syria. We rush to the scene of attacks to save the greatest number of lives in the shortest possible time and to minimise further injury to people and damage to property."

Any person who has paid quality attention, to the build-up military opposition, occupation and oppression has seen Syria's demise relative, to other countries namely Libya. Nearly uncountable parties involved that, one must become a journalist just keeping track of information and names of responsible parties. Now, having said that, it's equally perfect timing for intelligence gathering.

During the interview Vanessa Beeley (Beeley) addresses inquiries left out of Western Arm mainstream media showing concern that, it has played a key part in continuing White Helmet propaganda and terroristic agendas. For what once were historically military operations has morphed into unlawful tactics such as Regime Change and state-wide occupations. Referencing Syria specifically, the charge of chemical weapons usage stemmed from [2] 2013 intelligence reports originated of EU intelligence teams. The report neither denied nor affirmed such usage.

So to begin the Syrian talking points and exploitation we'll look into [3] United States Senate - Senate Joint Resolution 21-113th Congress, to authorize limited and specified use of armed forces against Syria. One key problem, the authorized use was impartially based upon findings reported by the JIC report on chemical weapons use containing unverifiable intelligence claims.

Mario F. (A.) Stevenson, an eHealth Outreach and Education Partner at Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Vanessa Beeley, a writer for 21st Century Wire ( http://www.21stcenturywire.com).


[1] Syria Civil Defence. Last accessed on May 28, 2017 from URLREF http://www.syriacivildefense.org

[2] Syria: Reported Chemical Weapons Use. (Joint Intelligence Committee, August 29, 2013) . Wikisource. Last accessed on May 28, 2017 from URLREF https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Syria:reported_chemical_weapons_use-_Joint_Intelligence_Committee_letter | http://bit.ly/2s4KUwz

[3] United States Senate: To Authorize The Limited And Specified Use Of The United States Armed Forces Against Syria. (S.J.RES._21;113th_Congress) -- Wikisource. Last accessed on May 28, 2017 from URLREF https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/To_authorize_the_limited_and_specified_use_of_the_United_States_Armed_Forces_against_Syria.(S.J.RES._21;_113th_Congress)

[4] White Helmets Wikipedia. Last accessed on May 28, 2017 from URLREF https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Helmets_(Syrian_Civil_War) | http://bit.ly/2raOyEQ

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