Naked Bacon Troll

This post is a naked, unadulterated, unfiltered troll directed at Frank Bacon. 

I feel sorry for whoever has crossed him.  And if there's anyone that might think his self-imposed exile (however long it may last) is some kind of victory, you are sadly mistaken. 

Build Liberty has been away for a good bit. We're at the door of changing that. I can promise you that when it does return it will be like nothing you've ever seen or heard before. It'll start slow at first and build, build, build. 

And Frank - and his pot town in Colorado, and Steemit - and all of crypto - and even in some way John McAfee - it's all going to be a part of it.  

I know where Frank Bacon is. He's in your fucking dreams.. 

@frankbacon  - he #woke

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