If You Had The Undivided Attention Of Every Man, Woman And Child On Earth, What Would You Say? - (Announcing The Winner.)!

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Last week, I launched a little contest in which I posed the question...

If you had the undivided attention of every man, woman and child on earth, what would you say?

I was really blown away by the amount of participation as well as the quality of the entries and it was a really tough task to choose a winner from all of the wonderful submissions but while I enjoyed reading all of the posts immensely, the post that stood out for me and really resonated with me, which is why I have decided to award the 10 steem prize to @jadams2k18.

The winning post was a very thoughtful and inspirational piece of writing which strives to remind us that we are responsible for our own destinies and in order to reach our true potentials, we must recognise who we are, who we were and who we truly want to become.

Below is a small extract taken from @jadams2k18 post that I really enjoyed reading and which made perfect sense to me.

The change begins in us. If we do not make the change ourselves, the world will remain the same, even whether we receive more advices or read more books, if we do not put into action such advices, the world won't change ... Actions matter

I know that changing ourselves is not easy. Changing our habits (or vices?) is hard, but not impossible. However, we can start by doing two simple things:

1.- Respect. Respect for ourselves, our body, our health ... and respect for others, both the person, their ideas, feelings, thoughts, opinions, identity, religion, ethnicity, race, social class, jobs and possessions.

The famous phrase of the Mexican politician Benito Juárez

Among individuals, as among nations, respect for the rights of others is peace.

Respect leads to Peace

2.- Do good. Nothing else! no matter to whom, no matter how small. Giving a smile, saying good morning, giving the seat to an old man or woman on the bus or subway or feed someone who is hungry. Let's always do good deeds.

Quoting Edmund Burke:

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

Be assured that as long as you do good deeds, the universe, nature, the cosmos, God, call it as you wish ... will conspire to help you in everything you need.

Do good things and good things will come to you

In a world where everything is interconnected, where we can see and talk instantly with other people who are on the other side of the world, in a single click. In an era where all the knowledge of the world is available to everyone. It should be easier to help others, don’t you think?

To read the rest of @jadams2k18's message to the world, click here.

I have also decided to award a few smaller prizes for the entries that I particularly enjoyed reading, so the following authors will all receive 1 steem each from me. :)

@djoi, @julietisrael, @pingcess, @iamthegray and @odonko-ba!

Congratulations to everyone who won a prize but if you didn't, I hope you still enjoyed taking part and sharing your message with the world. I enjoyed reading the entries so much, I intend to hold another contest in the very near future so if you didn't get a chance to take part and share your message this time, keep an eye out for another chance to win some steem by doing so very soon. :)

If you'd like to check out the rest of the entries for the 'What would You Say?' contest, you can click on the hashtag below. :)


Have a great day everyone! :)

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