What I Would Say

If I had the attention of all in this world, the following is what I would say;


Knowledge is Power

This is a phrase we're all familiar with. But how many of us truly grasp the deepest depths of its meaning? The truth is; not nearly enough of us. You see, my friends, we have been deceived. We've been tricked into believing that knowledge is something we must learn, rather than - as the word itself would suggest - something we inherently know.

Today, however, everything changes. For by the time we are through here, you shall all understand the phrase "knowledge is power", and you shall also remember the innate power of knowledge that resides within each one of us.

Is knowledge powerful because the things we know can protect us? Yes.

Is knowledge powerful because the stuff we've learned can help us protect others? Definitely yes.

Is knowledge powerful because if we have taken the time to absorb enough information then we can - if our mind permits it - construct a better understanding of our world and our purpose? I would certainly say so.

But is this what the phrase in question speaks to? No. Though this interpretation of the phrase is most definitely useful; it is certainly not the most profound understanding to be drawn from this piece of ancient wisdom.

We often have a habit of missing the bigger picture, but in this case it is simply the picture itself we are missing. For it's not a matter of oversimplification that prevents us from truly comprehending the meaning behind this phrase. Our problem is that we have over-complicated that which is so simple; so direct; and so utterly undeniable.

Knowledge is not powerful because the things we know can be used to powerful ends. Knowledge is power because what we know is - quite literally - power.

From mainstream to alternative science, and from exoteric religious understandings to occult magical interpretations; the consensus has been established that the universe is made of energy. Your thoughts - and mine - are thus also energy, and all energy can interact with the energy that surrounds it.

So by these very understandings that so many of us already share, one can see that both science and spirituality agree that your thoughts can influence the world around you. From here to the Sun, all is connected, and thus what you know, will continue to influence the world around you for as long as you continue to "know" it.

If this sounds like magic to you, then that's probably because it is. Magic, as practiced today by modern magicians and witches, amounts to nothing more than the application of the power of one's knowledge- or the manipulation of another's knowledge to usurp their power.

But if that's not convincing enough for you, consider what you do know about the power of knowledge. A surprisingly large percentage of recoveries in hospitals are said to be a result of a placebo. I remember not the exact figure, but that is irrelevant anyway, for the figure was wrong. I recall thinking when introduced to the information that, if 30 or 40% - or however much it was - are said to recover after a taking a placebo, then who is to say that a portion of the recoveries by patients who received pharmaceuticals was not also a result of the placebo effect? The taking of the drug does not equate to the belief in one's recovery having less of an effect on one's recovery, and so I would wager that the figure presented was far lower than it should have been, and that even more than they themselves realise are being healed through the power of their own thought- their knowledge that they will recover.

We might also wonder why the law of attraction seems to work for so many of us, or why our thoughts about ourselves seem to always turn out to be true? Is it because we know ourselves so well, or is it because our thoughts of who we are dictate who we will become, through the energy we are giving to the belief?

Do you see now that it is not they who oppress us? Do you see now that it was not them who brought down the twin towers? The media will tell you of something called "predictive programming." They will tell you how it is used to subtly inform the masses of coming events so that when they occur, the public will be less shocked, and therefore less likely to revolt. But this is yet another lie.

They do not show us things before they happen to prepare us. They show us so that through focusing our energy on it; we can ensure that it will come into fruition. Because;

Knowledge is power

And what we know - even on a subconscious level - exists as an energy; a power that shall forever possess the potential to be realised.

So what will you do now that you know what you know can become knowable to others? Now that you know that teaching is not about informing another, but about reproducing your own knowledge and increasing its power and potential?

Will you continue to know that you - and that we - are too weak to make the changes we want to see in this world? Will you continue to know that there's not enough to go around? Will you continue to know that the governments of this world are too powerful for us to defend ourselves from?

I hope not. I hope that instead you will know that we are so powerful, that the very limits of power are dictated by our imaginations. I hope that you will know that there is more than enough for each and everyone of us on this planet, and that should we ever run dry we already possess the power to bring forth more. And I hope that you will finally see that the unworthy leaders who have stolen the reins of this world are powerless without us, and that it is only through our own power that they have manipulated us into using against one another, that they have found themselves with any at all.

My biggest hope, is that you will leave here knowing that I am not your adversary as you have been made to believe. You are not in competition with me, nor the person sitting next to you right now. The only adversary we have ever had - ironically- is the concept of the adversary- something that was taught to us; and our downfall came the moment we decided to believe it.

Believe in a better world with me. And believe in your own personal power to assist in building it. Then - and only then - shall we have it.

Let me convince you that you're a part of me- and vice versa

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