What Would You Say? - @tonyr writing contest


When I saw this contest, I was excited because it represents an opportunity to be heard.

I saw then the video that @tonyr placed in the contest, The Great Dictator Speech by Charlie Chaplin. A Very emotional and inspiring video.

I wondered then why even though that message from Chaplin which was made a long time ago, humanity did not take those advices ...

I guess that happens only in an ideal world ... Anyway, let's continue ...

I imagined, then, being in front of a large stadium full of people and I began to think what I would feel if in that moment, suddenly, the whole world (men, women and children) anxiously awaited what I would have to say.

I would not know where to start. On the one hand I would like to give you a series of rules to live better. What I have learned during my life so far and that in my opinion could lead to a better life (or at least prevent you from committing the same mistakes that I have made), personal self-help norms not material things. That for me, is the only thing that really matters, in the end, after death you won’t even carry the air you used to breathe.

It is better to teach you to fish than to give you fish.

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.
Chinese Proverb

But then, they would take those norms or rules to criticize them or assimilate very literally to govern their life and then there would be, on the one hand, people who would agree with me and, on the other, those who would not And in my most extreme imagination, the norms would become a religion. Thus, It'd be born a new religion or cult, new followers and adepts will join and it'd create all those consequences of a birth of a new belief based on a misinterpretation.

I wonder: Messiahs would ever think that their advice and words would become a religion? Dividing people to the point that they would even kill others for not sharing the same precepts. By the way, I am not comparing myself with any messiah nor do I want to create controversies against any religion or belief. They are just conjectures that fill my head.

Excuse me for getting out of the main idea ... Let's continue ...

Then, after thinking about it for a while, I would begin my speech in the following way:

I live in a country that, when I was a child, even when my family was not rich and we did not have everything we wanted but we never lacked what we needed. You could live well through working hard. Buy a car, an apartment, etc. The usual. Today, the economic situation has worsened so much that there are few food, medicines, spare parts and other resources of basic need. And no matter how hard you work, it is almost impossible to buy a car, let alone an apartment. The crime and delinquency have increased much more, for the same reason. This had never been lived before. Well, at least as far as my parents remember.

But this situation is not brought up to protest what happens in my country, but rather to give an example of real life.

The most outstanding of all about this situation, in which I live, is the tendency of the human being towards the "every man for himself". I can describe it in a scenario as common as a supermarket. When a food that is scarce arrives, the people throw themselves desperate in their search, they pile up, they hit and trample. And the saddest thing is that they do not just take one or two units of the product, they try to take them all, regardless of whether another person needs it or not. What emerges is our lowest survival animal instinct. Obviously, many of us have to feed our families and the so-called "survival of the fittest" arises.

Of course, most of the time, there are people who want to monopolize the products with the purpose of reselling them more expensive, making you believe that they need it for their relatives.

Along with this, the disastrous government policies that cause more problems than solutions and even more so the fact that everyone is looking for a way to survive, regardless of the damage caused by the consequences of such actions. Cheat and steal other citizens. Illegal solutions that cause more problems and more economic imbalance.

I do this to demonstrate the nature of people facing extreme situations.

My country is a mixture of ethnic groups, races and creeds. So I think we inherit the principles, values and vices of our ancestors, from all over the world.

Maybe it's a national karma ... Who knows ...

I assume it is the same everywhere. Under extreme conditions, the crowd behaves disproportionately and instinctively in favor of their own survival.

The irony is that the same people tell you: don’t be silly! Get everything you can!

That is to say, the fact of surviving, regardless of the consequences, is predefined in the subconscious.

And the best part is that we blame others for what happens to us. We are never to blame. Have you heard that expression before?

Of course it is sure that in other countries they go through worse things, like in Syria!

And I ask myself: Why cannot we be different?

Our attitude towards situations and problems is what defines us

Why not encourage to do more good actions, do good?

The change begins in us.

I remember a story about a man who wanted to change the world. As much as he taught and oriented people worldwide, people did not change. So he tried to change the people of his country. Obtaining the same result. Then, he tried to do it with the people of his city and he did not succeed either. Then he tried again in the neighborhood where he lived and even then he could not change people. Not even his own family. So he decided to change himself. He decided to do and fulfill the good deeds that himself professed in his speeches. So his family, one day began to follow the example of his actions. Then his neighbors began to imitate the actions of his family. Later the city began to follow the example of the neighborhood and so on, the country and the other nations, until he came to change the world!

The change begins in us. If we do not make the change ourselves, the world will remain the same, even whether we receive more advices or read more books, if we do not put into action such advices, the world won't change ... Actions matter

I know that changing ourselves is not easy. Changing our habits (or vices?) is hard, but not impossible. However, we can start by doing two simple things:

1.- Respect. Respect for ourselves, our body, our health ... and respect for others, both the person, their ideas, feelings, thoughts, opinions, identity, religion, ethnicity, race, social class, jobs and possessions.

The famous phrase of the Mexican politician Benito Juárez

Among individuals, as among nations, respect for the rights of others is peace.

Respect leads to Peace

2.- Do good. Nothing else! no matter to whom, no matter how small. Giving a smile, saying good morning, giving the seat to an old man or woman on the bus or subway or feed someone who is hungry. Let's always do good deeds.

Quoting Edmund Burke:

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

Be assured that as long as you do good deeds, the universe, nature, the cosmos, God, call it as you wish ... will conspire to help you in everything you need.

Do good things and good things will come to you

In a world where everything is interconnected, where we can see and talk instantly with other people who are on the other side of the world, in a single click. In an era where all the knowledge of the world is available to everyone. It should be easier to help others, don’t you think?

This is just the beginning of my imaginary speech, there are many other things I would like to say, however, I am sure that 99% of my audience will be bored or they will have changed the channel or will be watching their Facebook, after the first paragraphs of the speech. But I know that the remaining 1% or maybe less, that gets here, will probably be grateful to hear these words and it is for them that it was worth all the effort.

Let’s do good things! Help each other!


Thank you for reading!

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