Fake WhatsApp addresses are used to cheat by selling mining GPUs under the name of a Chinese electronics company.

This time, a researcher wrote about an electronic scam encountered by an independent writing research team in Mongolia.

**I was very close to cheating. Warning Check out the blog. author **Laikhan.N

Let me tell you in detail how we recognized scam teams that wrote on behalf of a Chinese person with a Chinese phone number connected via WhatsApp. Almost simultaneously, our research team contacted about 3-5 fake addresses and asked the same question for Mining Graphic Cards by contacting around three to five fake addresses. Here are some steps look at the where scam seller teams. I would like you to add to what we have learned. In any case, I am sure that we will learn to overcome any such accumulation in future. How do they find our WhatsApp address? But, first, let's talk a bit. Customers were looking for products on the Alibaba trading system to search for a mining rig or GPU.

Whoever the electronics company employee is, the person or team collects information from the people who requested the goods. Since they have a phone number, they will start sending a request to try to add to WhatsApp. Are you looking for a GPU or a crypto mining rig? Etc. The whole process begins by sending as like kind of kind question. Of course, we can find out what kind of display card we are looking for by playing a very friendly or busy professional.


After the price, we send you a quote to give you more confidence. The offer is cheap and greedy. You can see it in the following pictures.The first step in communicating with us from fake addresses is to play the role of a very friendly professional or a busy person to find out what kind of display card we are looking for. Then, after the price, we send you a quote to give you more confidence. The offer is cheap, and it will fire up our greedy motion. It has every one of us. Because we are human, after all. You can see it in the following pictures. After various chats, they quickly send you quotes, company certificates, and foreign passports when we ask for proof. Take a closer look at the following pictures. If you have been working in Photoshop, you will see errors and suspicions.

If you want to buy goods from China, you should check the certificate of the business company. Here is a site that contains the state registration. I'm sure something will be needed in the future. Because scammers constantly change their face, colour and ways of working but generally follow the same method. I hope this article has given you at least one message. http://www.gsxt.gov.cn/

A few days after customers like the quote, we will quote several models to re-order. After that, they will ask us for an invoice and make a payment; when? How? Will be asked. The key is that they require the use of an ETH wallet. Alibaba will not allow us to use it, and we will make excuses like we were.

Before we accept the payment, when we try to make a voice call and video, everyone will give the same reply and not answer. This warning is not intended to embarrass the reputation of any country.

So I guess they may be Indians or Turkey. With all due respect, it could be. Because one of our team members faced a similar situation. But which country are you from? Please leave your opinion in the comments section.

We would also be pleased to vote and reply in favour of our efforts.

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