Mega Man 2 impressions - Flash Man

Metal weapon turned the game upside down

Flash Man who

I don't even know what to tell you, Flash Man, because you didn't last 10 seconds. You didn't even attack, either. All you did was walk against the walls for a little bit. I have no idea what you were meant to do since you died so quickly to Metal Man's weapon.

The third Robot Master I've downed was, coincidentally I swear, weak to the last boss I had faced. He left me his Time Stopper, which I had read is the main Quick Man weakness. I might try revisiting him next.

The level: metal cuts through everything

After beating Metal Man and acquiring his weapon, I don't even know why anyone thinks Mega Man 2 is hard at all. You can fire that thing in any direction, it's ammo is like infinite and it works against most enemies.

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