SBC Whalehouse is Now Open! A Proposal and Invite to the Whales of Steemit to Teach and Help the Minnow Crowd


SBC Whalehouse is Now Live on our Steemit Blogger Central SLACK

Steemit Blogger Central has hit all time highs lately, so many minnows and dolphins have come to us for help to grow their accounts on Steemit, which has been a huge honor for us. Our SBC project does the minnow support game a little different than most projects out there. We not only host a live chat group on SLACK so users can share their Steemit posts but we proactively push those very link shares to our vastly growing social media pages on Facebook and Twitter.

At this current stage we are nearing our first 100 active users in our SLACK, lately we average a group of new users every 24 hours which is beginning to take more traction as each day passes. Our Twitter account now hosts 449 Followers and our Facebook is now nearing its first 200 Likes. The growth was slow at first due to the belief in growing an organic foundation first but all this has hit us in just a few weeks so far.

We have grown our team as well, this started as a labor of love for the founder of SBC @sflaherty but due to the growth we have opened our doors to others to help in our cause to be a free resource for all of Steemit to push some promotions on the hard working bloggers within its amazing community.

Now We Need the Backing of Some Whales for the Next Phase

Due to HF19 its very clear that everyone should be proactive with their accounts. If users are in this to grow they will have to fight forward to push their work out there. That is where our project comes in, to give that nudge they need to get their work out there. We have also in turn brought in over 30 new user sign ups to Steemit. By tactful tags on our Twitter we try to push these article shares to the outside world and its working more brilliantly than expected, with hopes for even more user signups to come.


We just opened up a side channel on our slack called "WHALEHOUSE" and the idea is pretty simple but could be very effective for a huge union between the whales of Steemit and the minnows underneath them. Due to some recent frustrations of people being lost in the mix, those I also deem as amazing talents in the community, I opened this channel for various reasons. First reason is to hopefully catch the attention of some generous whales who might grace us by becoming apart of our project. Mainly as advice givers to help the minnows grasp tactics to grow themselves, to empower the little guys and to bless those with raw talents who are constantly filling up our Slack. Another reason for the channel is to give the whales of Steemit a home where users can get education on proper usage of Steemit where all benefit, I firmly believe that if we divide we will not conquer the greater growth we could obtain for Steemit so I hope to have whales bring something to the table and really honor the small Steemians with some tips and tricks they have learned to get to the top.


The Importance of Honoring Whales in a Community like Steemit

I tell a lot of minnows to not look at the whale community with jealousy, but to embrace them not for earnings they can give but more so the advice they can provide the minnow community due to the knowledge they gained to obtain their wealth. This is not a competition nor should there be a division between the two classes in Steemit. If we work together all of us could make Steemit a household name. Whales generate a boost to the economy on any coin, they are the huge backers to hold value in Steemit and people minnows should look up to for inspiration. My biggest goal with SBC is to bring equality between the two classes, that way everyone works together and helps each other out and keeps that great content earning when they deserve it. Whales are very vital to our community, just as much as the newest member that just entered the door.


The Minnows Deserve The Help When They Put In Real Effort

I see a huge growing faction of discouraged minnows. Some just bicker due to the uphill battle before them but others I see working their ass off here for change. That is what drove me to create SBC and I do feel that this project could fast become the encouragement they need. The minnows with pure talents but getting lost in the mix of noise as we grow on Steemit is a tragedy in my eyes. These people truly bring a lot to the table and I can point out over 50 of such personalities withing our SBC SLACK every day. There is a gap inside Steemit of lost souls not being seen for what they offer, so we must hold these talents up and help them where we can. Personally I have put my time into SBC as a full time job for that reason. Minnows drowning is a sight I don't want to see because in turn they may quit using us one day and that could start a sad chain reaction of negative feedback that we don't need for this great community.

What Steemit Blogger Central Proposes to the Whales of Steemit, and Our Plans for the Future

To not beat around the bush on this subject, we plainly need some serious support from the whales of Steemit to make this a bigger success than it is allowed to be at the moment. Help can come in many forms, and here is a list of the things this project is needing to get itself more traction:

1) Easy step a whale can provide help is by joining our Slack and checking out our social pages. Get a feel for what we are trying to do for the Steemit community and if they agree with it just simply pass along advice by joining our Slack and turning our WHALEHOUSE channel into their home to help users learn how to use this best.

2) Helping us boost the Steem Power machine on this profile is badly needed. Our plan with this profile for SBC is pretty simple. We update the community about the inner workings of SBC. We plan to pop in some tutorials now and then for the community and we also will highlight and feature the real hard working Steemians within our community. The plan is to convert all earnings here to Steem Power so we can help the worthy bloggers with us by upvotting, to basically convert this into a whale itself so we can help minnows fend for themselves. I personally load side earnings from my personal Steemit profile to boost this, and I have miners working 24/7 to add to the SP but alone I am not really able to get it going where it needs to be. So simple upvotes from backers is a huge help or donations if anyone believes in what we are doing. We do this for free full time so its hard to drum up revenue but we would like to keep this as a free service to help with our time out of the kindness of our hearts.

3) Writing articles or promoting our project would be a huge help. A lot of users out there have a lot of say to help this project grow and we have hopes that word of mouth will spread around more. If you can at the very least and like what you see in our SBC project, pass the links around...that could do more wonders than money sometimes.

In Closing I would Like to Thank Everyone for Reading this

Thanks for taking your time to read this and feel out the project if you deem it worth going that far with. That is all I really ask of you to give what we are trying to do a huge moment of your time to see if its a benefit to the community. No matter what I am dedicated to making this happen for as many people as I can, but a little help to boost us forward and back us could do wonders for a lot of users. We stand strong with the Steemit community, so I hope to see more standing strong with SBC as we move forward.

~sflaherty (Founder/Admin of Steemit Blogger Central)

You can follow me @sflaherty




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