Whaleshares Curation Show Recap

Welcome content creators :D

I'm back and ready to talk curation once again. Is it just me or did you guys also notice the lack of posts on the platform lately. I wonder if it is the price of SBD that demotivates people or everyone is just getting burned out on producing quality content daily. I know it ain't easy to bust out good reads every day.

I was a little disappointed browsing the #postpromotion channel today, people would just repost the same links over and over and I felt like I was in an episode of Twilight Zone looking for top quality posts sorting out the very same posts, weird.
Anyway, as always I managed to find something I fancy, let me take a drink of moonshine real quick and we'll talk about the finds.


For some reason both of the posts that I picked are about food. Completely different diets, people and countries they live in, yet we all got food in common haha.

National dish and family traditions by @madlenfox is an amazing post. Of course the first thing that caught my eye was a tasty looking photo of pelmeni or as English speaking people call them meat dumplings. It has been quite a while since I had any actually, so needless to say I just had to click on it.
To my pleasant surprise it was not just a recipe, @madlenfox told a story of what it means to her to cook this dish around and with her family and how a simple thing like cooking together can unify people and make it a heart warming experience.
I personally can relate to pelmeni making even though my mom never really made anything out of dough, my grandma did, and I would often have to help her, actually often is not quite the word, I had to help every time I was at her house, so having the whole family make these dumplings together is a very Eastern European tradition, sadly, I don't know anyone doing this anymore, except @madlenfox, obviously. It is cool to see people trying to preserve their traditions and pass them on to younger generations.
Other than that, the post is written in both English and Russian and the pictures are great too. Definitely worth a bigger reward.

Logo by @ilovedietcoke

Sweet Pumpkin Pancakes - Vegan RECIPE by @vegan.niinja. I could not believe my eyes when I saw this post hasn't even made a $1 when I clicked on it. The photos are absolutely beautiful and the recipe is unique, if you ask me. Even though I did have vegan food in the past, I have never tried pumpkin pancakes before, and I think it is a great alternative to banana ones that are too common as vegan breakfast option in restaurants.
I love it that @vegan.niinja provides nutritional information for the recipe she shared and I feel like it would be very helpful to anyone who's on any sort of diet and has to watch what they eat, also the article features health benefits of pumpkin, the main ingredient of these pancakes. I think it is great there is so much additional information about food that she included in her post, everything you possibly might need to know is stacked together in a single post.
Awesome job by @vegan.niinja! Aaannnd... did I say her photographs were absolutely amazing? They were. Take my word for it, check them out.

Hungry yet?!

I know it is sort of weird posting a bacon gif under a vegan post, but hopefully no-one gets offended by that. This is it for tonight, everyone. I shall be back next Monday with a couple of new posts again.

Please, make sure you drop links to your posts in #postpromotion channel on Whaleshares Discord server. Every Monday myself, our awesome host @nikflossus, talented curators @lindahas and @gabchik are out there scavenging to bring you some of the undervalued gems we discover. All picks are of course subjective, but we're also different people and like random things :D.


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