The Latest WhaleShares Platform Promotion by #Project-Atlas on Twitter is now ACTIVE

This is basically just a quick announcement that I will be actively promoting the latest #SocialMedia #WhaleShares Campaign mostly on Twitter at the interactive & dedicated PROMO #Twitter Hash Tag [ #wlsLIFE ] πŸ‘
This latest @project-atlas organised Campaign is now LIVE, but will end this Friday (12th April).

The mighty Atlas team will carry out all possible outreach initiatives on several of the most popular Social Media Mediums to further spread awareness of the "WhaleShares Platform"! Our aim is to attract Creative Writers and Inspirational Artists, Musicians and Photographers to possibly join us here as new members!
Please Support #Project-Atlas to achieve this, as much as you can πŸ‘


Above Promotion Image designed & Text Edited in my personal "Shutterstock Editor" Account

You can read more about this latest Project Atlas WhaleShares Campaign here


Many thanks for your attention!
Bye for now, see you all again soon...πŸ‘‹

This Article is "Cross Posted" from my Whaleshares Account here

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