stories about the beauty of butterflies

hello faithful steemit friend, meet me again @my-nature tonight i will post about the butterfly butterfly.

Kupu kupu; Hai dahabat steemit semua saya malam ini akan membangi cerita saya tentang kupu kupu. Ketika saya hendak mau pergi kekebut dekat rumah saya dan saya melihat kupu kupu yang sedang istirahat dan saya langsung mengabadikan nya. dan saya ingin membagikan ke teman teman semua walou pun tidak se indah kalian bayang kan.


*** Butterflies *** Hi my steemit buddy tonight will brighten my story about butterflies. When I was about to want to go speeding near my house and I saw a butterfly at rest and I instantly immortalized it. and I want to share with my friends all the though are not as beautiful as you guys imagine it.


Keindahan Kupu-Kupu. Kupu-Kupu adalah salah satu serangga ciptaan Tuhan. Namun keindahan pada bagian sayap kupu-kupu banyak orang suka maka dari itulah saya ingin membagikan kesukaan saya mukin teman teman steemit jugak menyukai serangga yang satu ini.


The Beauty of Butterflies Butterflies are one of God's creation insects. But the beauty on the wings of butterflies many people like it from that I want to share my favorite mukin friends steemit friends also like this one insect...

so this is my only post on this evening thank you for visiting my blog @my-nature thank you.

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