really a beautiful mini or small beetle

Hello steemit friend who loyal to meet me again @my-nature tonight will post about the beauty of the beetle very mini.

Kumbang mini atou kecil; Kumbang mini yang sangat indah, lihatlah warna nya coklat mengkilap seperti lukisan.
Kumbang ini sangat kecil sekali ukuran tubuhnya sebesar beras,
Photo ini terlihat sedikit besar karena saya menggunakan lensa macro sehingga hasilnya terlihat besar, kumbang kecil atou mini ini saya temukan di hutan.


Mini beetle small or; Mini beetle is very beautiful, look at his shiny brown color like painting.
This beetle is very small size body size of rice,
This photo looks a bit big because I use a macro lens so the result looks great, this little beetle mini or I found in the forest.


Kumbang mini atau kecil ini hanya pemakan daun muda saja, dia tidak berbahaya dan juga tidak menggangu tanaman para petani.
Begitulah kilasan tentang kumbang mini ini.


Mini or small beetle is only young leaf eaters, he is harmless and also does not disturb the crops of the farmers.
That's the glimpse of this mini beetle.

this is my only post on this night thanks to have visited my blog @my-nature so far thanks

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