Top Crypto Hater Facebook in trouble due to Data Misuse: Karma in action?

Is this a case of Karma going against Facebook for creating lies against cryptocurrencies (goggle joined recently–in order to secure their monopoly) -thus banning all crypto related ads including ICO´s and established projects-see my former post for details .

According to CNBC News

Facebook shares fell as much as 8 percent on Monday after reports that Cambridge Analytica mined the data of over 50 million users of the social network without their permission.
Cambridge Analytica worked on Facebook ads for President Donald Trump during the 2016 election. It was initially funded by conservative billionaire Robert Mercer and led by former Trump advisor Steve Bannon.
Whistleblower Christopher Wylie revealed the alleged role played by Cambridge Analytica in obtaining data from Facebook users to The Observer newspaper in the U.K. and The New York Times.

The above news is strange because Facebook reason for banning cryptos was to protect their members from the risks of cryptocurrencies –however recent event has proven beyond reasonable doubts that Facebook including their fellow crypto haters Google , Banks and Microsoft are the real devils advocates (not cryptocurrencies like Steemit, bitcoin, ) , here are some few point:

Pic Source

Do no evil: I understand the do no evil claim from google and Facebook et al especially that cryptos possesses risks –in fact, there is no perfect industry out there and yes there are some fake ICos however the risks from these established companies like Facebook, Google and banks to consumers are far more than the risks from crypto´s. One good example is Steemit vs Facebook. In steemit, members can at least earn something daily (no matter how small) and or have hope of paying their future bills from revenue earned online . However this is not the case with Facebook because they will never share revenue with their members rather , rather they sell members data`s for more profits (even to foreign entities for political purposes and fake news).

Trust: Who do you guys trust more? Facebook and google claiming to protect us from evil Cryptos or the industrial revolution and wealth cryptos are creating. Moreover, the issue of trust lies on knowledge and understanding the true nature of an entity you are dealing with. Therefore, for me, I rather trust steemit and its superior steem blockchain technology ( including newly formed ) than Facebook and its capitalist shareholders who can do everything for their shareholder`s wealth maximization.

Now is your turn, do you trust facebook with your data´s? send in your comments, resteem in order for others to join and upvote to send in your support.

Click here and read my former post: Baby angry at Dad for Not buying Steem when it was very cheap

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