Getting ready for my Chinese proficiency test! # 3


It's finally time to test all the hard work made the last year mastering Mandarin Chinese! There is a little less than one month left for my proficiency test. Thus I will start posting my daily progress reviewing the vocabulary and key grammatical features that I have to master for July 13th challenge.

The learning material of this series can be found in the HSK4 textbook (汉语水平考试四级课本)。

Unit 5 of 20



  • Nouns: 家具,沙发,价格,质量,效果,现金,葡萄,艺术,广告,味道,优点,实际,标准,样子,年龄
  • Pronouns:任何
  • Verbs: 打折,流行,制冷,邀请,考虑,浪费,购物,受到,寄
  • Adverbs:肯定,顺便,光,实在,尤其
  • Classifier:


  • 肯定 can be used as an adverb to indicate "certainly" and "without doubt". It can also be used as an adjective, meaning "certain" or "definite". In other contexts it serves the function of an adjective to express "affimative" or "positive" congnotation.


  • 再说 can be used as a veb to indicate put something off untill later. It also can be used as a conjuction to explain a further situation in addition to what has been said.


  • 实际 can be used as a noun to indicate a thing or situatio that objectively exists. It also can be used as an adjective to mean "actual" or "specific". In some cases, 实际上 is used as an adverb which indicates the actual situation, often expressing an adversatve mood.


  • 对......来说 indicates the perspective or angle from which something is seen.


  • The adverb 尤其 indicates a further degree. The first clause often states the general statement and the second clause uses 尤其 to present the most relevant aspect of the whole situation.



Previous Units


  • Nouns: 法律,印象,性格,生活,缺点,爱情,星星,原因,脾气,平时,短信,聚会,友谊,周围,镜子,笔试,面试,信心,能力,材料,律师,专业,收入,感觉,顾客,计划,生意,经验,消息,奖金,工资,方法,知识,责任
  • Pronouns: 咱们,首先,其次,一切
  • Verbs: 熟悉,开玩笑,适合,够,接受,羡慕,加班,亮,感动,吸引,适应,交,逛,联系,毕业,麻烦,丰富,交流,理解,困难,陪,招聘,提供,负责,应聘,符合,通知,安排,留,改变,判断,约会,提,以为,赚,调查,(计划),提前,保证,提醒,谈,积累,感谢
  • Adjectives: 深,共同,幸福,浪漫,幽默,真正,无聊,讨厌,正式,诚实,准时,原来,乱,成功,顺利
  • Adverbs: 从来,最好,刚,自然,互相,正好,差不多,专门,好像,重新,却,及时,挺,本来,完全,并,按时,不得不
  • Conjunctions: 不仅,即使,尽管,而
  • Preposition: 当,按照
  • Classifier: 俩,分


  • The conjunction 不仅 is used in the first clause of a sentence, often followed by 而/还/而且 in the second clause, indicating a further meaning in addition to what has been said in the first clause. 不仅 is written after the subject if the two clauses share the same subject and are written before the subject when the first and second clause has different subjects.


  • The adverb 从来 indicates that something has remained unaltered from the initial point to the present, it is often used in negative sentences.


    The adverb 刚 indicates that an action took place not long ago, it is used after the subject and before the verb.

    There is a similar structure (刚才) and it is necessary to emphasize their similarities and differences: 刚 can only be used after the subject and before the verb since it is an adverb; 刚才 is a temporal noun and it can be placed either before or after the subject. 刚 can be preceded by a temporal noun or can be followed by a word of duration; 刚才 cannot. 刚 cannot be used alongside with a negative word while 刚才 can.


  • The conjunction 即使 is used in the first clause of a sentence coordinating with 也 in the second clause. It indicates a hypothetical concession or something that has already happened or been in existence.


  • The noun locality 上 is used after another noun to indicate "the surface of an object" or "within a certain scope regarding certain aspect".


  • 正好 can be used as an adjective to mean "just right", indicating a certain condition (in terms of location, time, position, size, quantity or degree) is met.

    正好 can also be used as an adverb to mean that "it is the right time or opportunity to do something".


  • 差不多 can be used as an adjective to mean "approximate" and "without much difference".

    差不多 can also be used as an adverb to indicate being close in terms of degree, scope, time, distance or quantity.

    There is another similar structure (几乎), let's see their differences: 差不多 can be used right before a monosyllabic adjective, while before or after 几乎 there must be other words. 差不多 can proceed numeral-classifier compound to express proximity to a quantity, 几乎 has not such usage. 差不多 can also be used as an adjective to serve as the predicate, in such a case it indicates being similar and without much difference. 几乎 can is often used when something undesirable almost happened, yet finally it didn't; 差不多 cannot be used in this way.


  • The conjunction 尽管 is often used in the first clause of a sentence to state a fact, it is usually preceded by one of the following coordinating words 但是,可是,却,还是 in the second clause which introduce a result that won't occur under normal circumstances.


  • The adverb 却 is often used to indicacte a transition in meaning in a softer tone.


  • The conjuction 而 can be used to connect two coordinating clauses. It can also be used to indicate an adversative relation.


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  • The adverb 挺 has a similar meaning than 很 (rather, quite), it is usually found in the structure 廷......的。


  • The adverb 本来 indicates that something occurs naturally, without effort, according to its nature. It also indicates that something is in a certain manner from the beginning.


  • The pronoun 另外 indicates the person(s) or thing(s) other than those who were mentioned before. It usually is used with the structure "另外 (+的) + Numeral-Measure word (+Noun)" or "另外 +的 (Noun)。

    另外 can also be used as an adverb to express that the current statement is beyond the scope previously mentioned, it is often used with 再/又/还.

    Also, 另外 is used as a conjuction to connect clauses or sentences. In such usage, it expresses "in addition" or "besides".

    例如:这个问题特别难,我应该想 另外办法解决呢。除了我开始学习化学的时候遇到的问题,我从来另外再遇到这么多热点问题。另外,如果这些问题不是难的,所以我没有这么感兴趣。

  • The pronouns 首先 and 其次· are used together in writen Chinese to indicate a sequence of enumerated events.


  • The conjunction 不管 indicates that a conclusion or a result won't change under any assumed circumstances, it is often used alongside interrogative pronouns (those interrogative pronouns indicates a general scope while speaking) such as 什么,怎么,谁,哪儿。It's often collocated with 还是 or an affirmative-negative phrase, followed with a clause with 都 or other words.


  • The adverb 以为 indicates that the speaker thoght goes against the fact.


  • 原来 can be used as a noun to mean "the beginning, the past", when used in such fashion, it indicates that the following statement in the clause is different from how it was in the past.

    原来 can be used as an adjctive to mean "originally, unaltered". It cannot be used alone as the predicate, when it modifies a noun 的 should be used after it.

    原来 can also be used as an adverb to indicate a certain period in the past, meaning something/somebody has changed since that time.

    The adverb 原来 can also indicate the discovery of a formerly unknown situation. It can be placed both before and after the subject

    原来 has a lot of similarities with 本来, for example, both of them can be used as adjectives meaning original, unaltered. Also, both can be used as adverbs indicating that the situation in the past is different from that at present. But one major difference is that when 原来 is used as an adverb it indicates a formerly unknown situation has been found out; when 本来 is used as an adverb, it indicates that something should have been in some way.


  • The preposition 按照 means "according to", similar to ”根据“.


  • The conjunction 甚至 emphasizes a salient case or example. It can be put before the last one of the coordinates nouns, verbs or nouns to stress this item.


Word Count 155 / Grammar points 23


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