Waters close to roads - A wetwednesday post

Two Lake Views

Wednesday, a chance to present some water/wet views. Today a couple of pictures from June of this year. Up first is a lake off of Skilak Lake road Just out of Sterling, Alaska Bottenintnin lake. No idea at all how to pronounce it or even really how to spell it. I have t look it up every time. It is a nice lake though and looks like a nice place to camp.

084 6-6 lake along skilak lake road.jpgThis picture was taken on 6-6-18. It was a little bit on the light side so I tried to "fix" it with the paint program. Of course I also had to level the picture, but at least it looks level now and not tilted to one side.

The other Roadside lake is really a roadside lake. It has a little pull out to view the lake, but no real path down to the lake. Just a nice place to park the car, have a snack and enjoy a view.

097 6-12 lake along cohoe loop road.jpgThis one was taken on 6-12-18, No real alterations to the picture just a slight crop and resize was all.

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