WesternProtest Individualism Authoritarianism YoungGlobalLeaders WorldEconomicForum

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The Westerner is the one at the base of social protest, and of the fight against authoritarianism. But this idiot has not understood THAT HIS INDIVIDUALISM is at the base of Authoritarianism.
He complains about Young Global Leaders, Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum and 'unbridled globalism', BUT IT WAS HE WHO CREATED IT.
The Young Global Leaders (YGLs) is an initiative of the World Economic Forum that brings together a community of exceptional leaders under the age of 40 from around the world.
The Legal illusion of individualism:
The potential legal problems that may arise from exercising one's liberty:

  • Infringing on the rights of others: While individuals have the freedom to act as they choose, this does not mean that they can infringe on the rights of others. If an individual's exercise of their liberty harms another person or violates their rights, the person may be held legally responsible.
    The law recognizes that the exercise of an individual's liberty may need to be limited in order to protect the rights of others. For example, the First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the freedom of speech, but this freedom is not absolute. The government can restrict speech that is considered to be a threat to national security or that is likely to incite violence.
    You, americans did not even understand the meaning of your Constutition, and your CHRISTIAN PURITANICAL SENSE allows you to be the obnoxious child 'of this world'.
    While the First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects important freedoms such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press, it also recognizes that there may be limits to those freedoms when they conflict with the rights of others.

In short, while the First Amendment protects important freedoms, it also recognizes that those freedoms may need to be limited in order to protect the rights of others or to prevent harm to society as a whole.
#WesternProtest #Individualism #Authoritarianism #YoungGlobalLeaders #WorldEconomicForum #LegalIllusionOfIndividualism #InfringingOnTheRightsOfOthers #FirstAmendment #USConstitution #LimitToFreedoms #ProtectingRightsOfOthers #HarmToSociety #AmericanMisunderstanding #ChristianPuritanicalSense #ObnoxiousChild #LimitingFreedoms

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