The damages caused to Western economies after the last fifty years of globalist mismanagement and malfeasance policies are not yet fully felt by the public.


The globalists intend to use the coming economic hardship and fear they manufactured in the West, as leverage to manipulate and force the public into accepting certain aspects of the Great (fake) Reset which will, if successful, give more power and control to the globalists, possibly totalitarian control over the lives of the Western population in general. Of course few in the West would want that, but simultaneously history tells us the collective public is prone to being manipulated into believing evil is good as a result of censorship and lies.

Significant numbers of the European population will suffer this winter season if adjustments aren’t made to the economic system that currently, in conjunction with the Western globalists proxy war policies against Russia, will make it nearly impossible for many to heat their homes due to a combination of fuel shortages and the jacked up costs of fuel itself.

While Western globalists are capable of any atrocity, false flag or otherwise, they are currently at war with the Western public which “appears” to have to have taken priority over the globalists trying to destroy Russia which is what the Ukraine Russia conflict and sanctions were “supposed to” accomplish if the globalists politician puppets are to be believed where that’s concerned.

The major battle between the globalists and the Western public could prove to be whether or not the public will be stuck with system and momentum behind it, rigged as it is by the globalists to enhance their own wealth and power at the expense of the Western public, or whether the public can organize in a way that will give them enough political power to force adjustments to the system while diminishing or eliminating the control the globalists have over the rigged and oppressive system.

The Western public is being forced to sacrifice, and the questions right now seem to be, how much of those sacrifices will be in terms of human lives lost, and will those sacrifices morph and be transformed into constructive changes in the system?

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