For these are my mountains

For these are my mountains
And this is my glen
The braes of my childhood
Will know me again
No land's ever claimed me
Tho 'far I did roam
For these are my mountains
And I'm going home (James Copeland 1918 – 2002 )

For Scottish exiles everywhere, this song brings tears to our eyes. Though we become citizen of other countries, Scotland still has a strong hold on us and just won't let go!

On my trip home to Scotland with my husband at the end of September last year, we headed to the west coast and then on to the Isle of Skye.

We were blessed with gorgeous weather, as usual! Despite Scotland's reputation for inclement weather, we always seem to bring the good stuff with us from Florida! We had 2 days of rain during an entire 4 weeks' stay!

These images were taken during a stop at Glen Torridon. Liathac (The Gray One) is the large mountain in the shots. I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoyed taking them!







All images are my own work and © Diane Macdonald. All are available for licensing from Getty Images.

To find all my photographs on Steemit, please search using dianemacphoto, and to find my designs, please search on dianemacdesigns . Thanks!

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