My Obesity Story...

I am a 59 year old semi-retired gal who lives in the USA in the beautiful state of Kansas in the incredibly lovely town of Lawrence. I began my Wellness Journey on June 25, 2017 weighing in at 250 pounds (I'm 5'7" tall, btw). (NOTE: 250 pounds was not my heaviest weight. Back in 2008 I tipped the scale at 288 pounds!)

I have eaten processed foods all my life and was a hardcore fast food and junk food junkie! (My palate prefers salty and crunchy as opposed to sweet tooth here but I was SOOOO addicted to my starchy, salty & crunchy carbs!) I started gaining weight after I gave birth to my son back in 1988 and then the weight really piled on after a stressful divorce that was finalized in 1990. As I began to travel the road of single parenthood the stress eating really exploded exponentially for me and the weight continued to rise a bit more and more throughout the years even though I would exercise and try to "diet" (Weight Watchers mostly...I would lose a bit here and there and then gain it all back plus a few extra pounds each and every single time...). Eventually my very stressful life leveled out for me nine years later when I remarried and my new hubby gladly accepted the responsibility of fatherhood with love in his heart and the patience of a saint. But, the weight I had piled on refused to budge. And, THEN, a relocation involving a VERY STRESSFUL new job and our son beginning his adolescent years REALLY tipped the scales even more for me (both from a stress level perspective AND more weight gain as my fast food addiction and emotional overeating was truly out of control at during that time). We all survived our son's teenage years and in 2009 he joined the USAF and my hubby and I were preparing to be empty nesters. At that point (with my 50th birthday looming on the horizon), I decided to quit my super stressful job and take a well-deserved break from working (as my health was really at its very worst point at that time).

In 2006, I was diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome. I had Type 2 Diabetes, Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (in both hands and both feet), High Blood Pressure, Fatty Liver, High Triglycerides, and PCOS. I was immediately put on 8 different medications to manage all my conditions except for the sleep apnea (I was prescribed a CPAP back in 1998 when that condition was first discovered). I immediately began to try to eat "healthier" after my diagnosis. Lots of lean protein and "healthy" whole grains and veggies. Veggies were not an issue for me as I have always loved them. But my fast food/junk food addiction was still there....ALWAYS LURKING & CALLING TO ME. So, no weight loss was achieved with "healthier" eating either. I eventually kicked my fast food/junk food addiction in 2016. However, with the incredible amount of insulin (about 200 units each day between my pre-meal & pre-bedtime insulin medications!) I was taking to keep my blood sugars under tight control I still couldn't lose any weight. I had a real problem portion controlling my starchy veggies, lean proteins and "healthy" grains. I was also still a breadaholic as I lurved to make my own bread. Sigh... Because I was able to keep my blood sugars under very tight control my A1Cs had always been in the 5's after the first year of my diabetes diagnosis. My doctor called me his Diabetic Rock Star for my excellent blood sugar control. But I was so obese, unhappy and unhealthy and the low-fat diet he recommended wasn't helping me at all. Why didn't my doctor realize that I would never be able to lose any weight in the presence of all that insulin I was injecting?! Why didn't I KNOW this at that time?! Why didn't the American Diabetes Association offer this education via their website? When I FINALLY discovered that the reason I could not lose any weight and keep it off was the fact that I was (1) VERY INSULIN RESISTANT and (2) my SEVERE INSULIN RESISTANCE (Type 2 Diabetes!) was being treated by injecting MORE INSULIN into my body!! I never had a chance of burning any fat with all that insulin floating around my system!!! The Secret (you can't burn fat in the presence of insulin) was out there but I needed to find it! And that's just what I did!! #ThankYouInternet

On May 23, 2017 I joined the Weight Loss Awakening Friendship Group by Jonathan Carp, MD on Facebook, which I learned about through one of the weekly Miracle Noodle newsletters I received (as I had been a big fan of Miracle Noodles for a few years by then). I began to learn a bit about nutrition which sparked my interest in exploring and learning more and incorporating some of Jonathan's advice and guidance into my daily life. Not long after I discovered some information via YouTube about a Healthy Keto & Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle that Dr. Eric Berg was teaching folks about. I felt like I had finally discovered "The Secret" by combining what I was learning from Jonathan & Eric into a protocol that would work for me. On June 25, 2017 I began my official Wellness Journey full time incorporating all the information together and applying it to my life. A few months later I began to exercise with my elliptical machine, aerobic dancing and walking (which I never thought I'd be able to do again due to the diabetic nerve damage in my feet but that started to heal and improve and I could wear real sneakers again!). Currently, I walk around 9 miles every other day and HIIT/Resistance Traing on my alternating "non-walking days." And...I have never looked back or been happier physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually!!

On March 22, 2018 I began participating in Jonathan's The Miracle Meal Challenge Facebook Group and received Julian Gaine's amazing MealKitt Diet & Lifestyle portion control tool! Using the MealKitt to learn about portion control was truly a miracle! It allowed me to learn yet another vital piece of the puzzle to enhance my health success via my Wellness Journey! On June 13, 2018 I joined Julian's newly formed Portion Sizes, Meals & Meal Prep + All Things Weight Loss Facebook Group to learn even more about his wonderful portion control system & program.

As of Wednesday (September 26, 2018) morning, I weighed in at 148 pounds. I am down 102 pounds as a result of my Wellness Journey that I officially began approximately one year and 3 months ago. My triglycerides are now 72, my HDL is at 52, my LDL is 73.6 and my AIC is 5.0%. My fasting blood sugars range anywhere from the high 70s to the mid 80s right now. I am off all of my medications but am still a Type 2 Diabetic (one who keeps her condition in check with "diet & exercise") and still have sleep apnea (but my titration level on my CPAP is now set back to 4, the lowest possible setting, from 10) and PCOS. I fully expect that one day I will no longer be categorized as a Type 2 Diabetic, have sleep apnea or PCOS. I believe my Wellness Journey will eventually lead me to heal myself of all those conditions in the next few years. #FutureSoBright

I am soooo looking forward to sharing my future progress here in this blog in hopes that it might inspire or encourage others to start their own Wellness Journey and become their own Health Authority.

If anyone wants to be Facebook Friends just reach out to me via Facebook Messenger or shoot me a friend request, as I am always eager to meet new people and make new friends. I'm also a Fitbit user so new Fitbit friends are always welcome, too.

Here's my social media info:


NOTE: I no longer have an Instagram account on principle as my account was hacked a few years back and I DID NOT care for the way the technical support team deal with the issue. They were not very responsive, professional or helpful so I decided to not create a new account after they deleted my hacked account for me. Hey, you have to take a stand with some of these sites at times, right?

Oh, and one thing about me is that I truly believe in the Power of a Positive Thinking! I'm an eternal optimist. I look for the what could or will be and NEVER for the what could have been or never will be...All good things are possible (except getting a secure Instagram account from my perspective! #CockeyedOptimist

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