Respect Jeeih How it works


O friend of all your countrymen and countrymen is not as handsome as your presidential candidate,his face was normal, his body was not stocky and even emaciated, it did not appear to the slightest aura of an official from his face ... just a wrinkle that appeared from his forehead his face seemed tired like he lacked rest,

Respect a little of his effort because building this great country is not easy for friends, many of the problems he faces are of many interests which he must oppose, building a country that has long slept for only one purpose so that our grandchildren can feel the results later, so that the nationthis is a nation that is a nation that is recognized by the world, not the nation that produces the most migrant workersIf your friends don't like their work, don't choose him in 2019, but you don't bully, let him work, don't you bother him now.
If you want to be in power, patiently wait for an election, just count the months, don't embarrass him like a criminal, like a corruptor, like a dictator, don't act anarchist, critic, but with the data, whatever he is, our current president, the President of the RepublicIndonesia, don't you burn the picture he is not a criminal, he just tries to improve this nation to build this nation from the edge, from the border region of the East which has not been touched by the government all in order to achieve social justice for all Indonesian people,
Look at infrastructure development everywhere from Sabang to Merauke, development is not only focused on Java,
Stop complaining and blame the government for our own failure ..Jokowi is not an angel, he is an ordinary person. He cannot always be in the middle of us when there is a problem. 260 million people he must take care of,
Let him work and finish it once again if friends aren't happy with the work
don't choose him in 2019 ... but patiently be patient don't be anarchist
Appreciate a little fatigue
Peace regards

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