Welcome - Introducing some new Steemians #4

All kinds of exciting happenings around the hard fork, and a rush of new blood appearing on the scene. I woke up to find my voting power almost depleted …. So had to do some rapid reading and damage prevention. The fourth chapter in welcoming new Steemians and a lot of reading to be done.



@margasfoto , A rare occasion where I am not certain if I am doing the new community member a favor …or my followers. What I do know is that @margasfoto is an accomplished young man who knows how to set his sights and reach for his dreams. Not much more to do here than to point you in his direction and give you a small taste of what awaits. @margasfoto welcome to Steemit, we look forward to plenty more of your stories and successes.

Image from @margasfoto ‘Introduceyourself’ post


@ljkenward, who breezed in like a breath of fresh air!! Straight, honest and full of enthusiasm I really enjoyed her introduction. An ex Truck Driver in the Ozzie Outback (I take a bit of license here) turned software developer who likes to travel ….I look forward to her ‘trucking through India’ post. From her introduction

My fav poem
In this life of froth and bubble
Two things stand like stone,
Kindness in anothers trouble,
Courage in your own.

Adam Lindsay Gordon

It's actually a little bit edited, as I heard it when I was really little and that's how I remember it! 🐣

Head over and welcome @ljkenward here


@gurudeva who symbolizes the diversity and eclectic mix of this community. A man with a restless soul and possibly a fair dose of ADD {grin} I think he is going to be an interesting man to follow in his meanderings through the US of A as well as the meanderings of his mind. From his ‘Introduceyourself’ post ….

I studied music for a few years in college, majoring in theory, but I feel like it did more harm than good in terms of musical creativity. I also studied physics for about a year before ultimately dropping out. I've had tons of jobs: pizza delivery, courier, cook, waiter, sound guy, R&D analyst, UI designer, grocery bagger, weed delivery, bartender. My resume is a fucking disaster. I always find it real easy to get hired and become proficient at a new job fast, but I get bored even faster and things never stick too long. The best jobs I've had always end too soon for the lamest unforeseen reasons.

Head on over and welcome him here

That’s it for today, I will try and do another in a few days. I still have some ‘Dining Out’ and ‘In the Kitchen’ to share but time is rather tight these days.
As always , thanks for reading!!

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