Hello August - New Beginning

I welcome you to the eighth month of the year – August 2018. Number 8 is specially associated with resurrection, regeneration and the beginning of a new era. When the whole earth was covered with flood waters, Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness (2 Peter 2:5) was spared to begin a new era, I decree and declare in this month of new beginnings that the Lord shall bring honey out of your rock and cause your lines to fall on pleasant places; and any power anywhere trying to restructure your destiny shall fail and the power that raised Jesus from death shall resurrect every dead dream, vision, or dry bones in your life and He will do a new thing in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer Points
• Give God intense praise and worship in truth and in spirit. John 4:23-24
• Thank Him for keeping you, your family and all that pertains to you since the year began. Psalm 124:2-5
• Thank Him for His thoughts toward us are thoughts of peace, new beginnings, restoration and not of evil that will give us hope and a great future, in Jesus name. Jer 29:11
• Repent of any sin or stain that may give the devil legal ground to hinder your prayers. Ask the Lord to have mercy on me and wash me by the blood of Jesus; Forgive all those that you think have offended you.
• Almighty God, as I go into this month of new beginnings, let me find grace and favour in your sight in the mighty name of Jesus Gen 6:8
• Almighty God, help me to be attentive to details of instructions of new things you want to do in my life, destiny, family, ministry and business in the name of Jesus. Gen 6:9
• Almighty God, help me to be completely obedient in doing all that you will ask of me in this month of new beginnings Gen 6:22; Gen 7:1
• Almighty God, you preserved Noah and his household during the floods, in this season preserve my family and build your hedge of protection around us in the name of Jesus Gen 7:1
• Almighty God, in this month of new beginnings, remember me as you remembered Noah, make this month one full of signs and wonders, and miracles in every sphere of my life in the mighty name of Jesus. Gen 8:1
• In the name of Jesus, in this month, I will dominate over sin, sickness, lack, failure and over every demonic power. Gen 1:26
• Pray about your personal prayer points.

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