I Have Onions In My Socks - Weird Experiment Wednesday

Yep, I'm at it again. By "it" I mean doing weird stuff then putting it on the blockchain for everyone to judge me...forever.

First, I tried to heal an ear infection by listening to music.

Then, I put "black magic" on my foot, and well...that was interesting!

Sidebar: I made this black magic in honor of @goldmatters and Mene:

Unfortunately, I didn't have any gold magic so he had to settle.

Anyway, I'm back at the ear thing again.

So after googling vehemently for hours, I came to one conclusion that ANY rational person would come to:

The only thing that can fix this is onions on my feet.

Ok fine, I'll admit. I heated some lil' slices up in a microwave and stuck them in my ears, too.

But I also read some girl's post about how she was trying to fight off some sickness and onions on the feet apparently absorb bacteria and other stuff if you put them on the bottoms of your feet and sleep with them.

She said it worked for her, so obviously I had to try.

If reflexology is legit, I could see how it would work.

You guys should totally try this! It's really fun!

You can either be entertained by the weird looks you get around you, or the weird squishing sensation you get when you walk to the bathroom.

I'll update you on whether this experiment was a bust or not.

If you want to know if my black magic experiment worked, you can click these green words to see the results.

Check out some other stuff I've written. Or not. I'm not trying to boss you around.

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