Weekly Zekely Time

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Welcome all to the epic post where I dive into my phone for pictures that remind me of what I got up to last week. It is good to reflect on the accomplishments an adventures, as well as discover some memories lost because of too many beers! It may also push me up over (61) as well if I am lucky.

My friend @davedickeyyall inspires me with his #morningbowl and 4-month tropical vacation so I am going to talk to Scooby's ghost and see how this post comes out.


This may seem like a food pic or the start of a @tasteem review but it is not. As my longer running STEEMit friends know, I do a lot of Point of Sale technology for restaurants in the area. The latest one is an awesome breakfast (and lunch too!) place called Old Man & Son https://oldmanandson.com/ I will put together an awesome story of an intrepid restaurateur I count as a good friend soon. In the meantime, I installed their network and had my technician set up their point of sale technology this week. When we showed up, they were coincidentally testing out one of their burgers for the staff. If Facebook were a Big Mac, then this burger would be STEEM because it was superior in ingredients (including a local pork/beef patty) and taste that is not unfamiliar to the guilty pleasure from McDonalds. I am not sure if I am more excited for the local celebrity spotlight post or the @tasteem review when I drag the BJJ crew there after Saturday training.


Speaking of BJJ, that stands for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for the newcomers and uninitiated. This blog has a lot ot BJJ in it because we trained hard for the annual tournament which happened this weekend. If you wanna know my story leading up to it, you can hit my @actifit post https://steemit.com/actifit/@zekepickleman/actifit-zekepickleman-20181129t010011068z, my mindset post before the competition https://steemit.com/bjj/@zekepickleman/tomorrow-i-fight or skip to the results here https://steemit.com/bjj/@zekepickleman/gold-hqizmsyz.

This is what it is like being surrounded by killers....



Tom Clancy's The Division™2018-11-30-14-56-57.jpg

For the amount of gaming I do, I should probably blog more about gaming. I am a little uninspired by the lack of well-developed, well-populated MMOs (Massively Multiplayer Online game) currently out there. There are a couple legit -looking ones we (https://www.lordsofdeath.com) are testing but have been splintered into various filler games. One of mine is The Division (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Clancy%27s_The_Division)which is disappointingly PVE (Player vs Environment as opposed to PVP) but I am impressed with the textures and production and having a blast with the guys. Once a real game hits, you will hear about it.



I will nobly claim to be dedicated to the #beersaturday movement and my support to @detlev which is true, but I blog about beer simply because I love it! I try and limit my intake to minimal levels but enjoy a solid IPA instead of a 5 pissy pints because and good IPA tastes like about 6 pints packed in 1. I remember blogging about this beer 7 months ago https://steemit.com/ulog/@zekepickleman/4pexqx-zeke-knows-beer and boldly claiming it to be within my top 5 (3?) IPAs. It is a seasonal and Lake Effect season has officially begun. I did write about hops this week if you are so inclined https://steemit.com/steemitbloggers/@zekepickleman/57g91d-zeke-s-sweet-hops



Speaking of ingestion (and awesome segues,) I cordially invite you to try Vietnamese food https://steemit.com/tasteem/@zekepickleman/tasteem-f49cd6 and get inspired to post a @tasteem review (www.tasteem.io) So yummy.



Did I mention parenting or BJJ yet? Well I find BJJ one of the easiest ways to be the best dad I can be. My little one trains more than I do and has been fighting in tournaments since she hit double digits. So much stronger and braver and more aware than I was at that age and I couldn't be prouder.

"But it was so HARD TO DO!" Yes dear, that is one of the things that makes you awesome.



Cut back on the beer all week (?!?!) and prep yourself for an active weekend? Gotta have "breffiss" and reward yourself. I should have a review of the Sunset Grill https://sunsetgrill.ca/location/ontario-toronto-weston-and-st-clair/ in the pipe but I love my big trips to the big city. They bring us the big mugs for coffee, remember the shows we did at the bars over the years, and print money. Another guilty pleasure.


Let me know if you prefer this format with less pics and more stories.



Anything cool happen in your world this week? Comment or post your own #weeklyreview. We would love to hear about it.


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